[Explanation] On March 21, Shenyang City launched the construction of makeshift hospitals and health stations.

After nearly 7 days of continuous struggle, how is the project progressing?

What will the makeshift hospital and health station in Shenyang look like?

On March 27, the reporter visited this.

  [Explanation] Entering the construction site, busy workers, passing vehicles, and rows of health stations have been erected on the original empty site.

According to reports, the newly built Shenyang Health Station project is "tall and high" visible to the naked eye. Different from most of the previous health stations, this health station in Shenyang adopts a double-storey building structure.

And building a double-layer health station is not just for looking at the "tall".

  [Concurrent] Shi Qiang, deputy commander of the emergency reconstruction and health station project of Shenyang Fangcai Hospital, Northeast Company of China Construction Fifth Engineering Bureau

  This is why two floors are used. The first is to save land resources, because two floors occupy less space; the second is to reduce resource investment, because if one floor is used, it will occupy a large area, and its surrounding temporary facilities will be different. If there are more kinds of pipe networks, the construction cost will be higher.

  [Explanation] Passing through the construction site of the Health Station, in the E1 and E2 halls of the Shenyang International Convention and Exhibition Center, is the Shenyang Fangcai Hospital under construction.

It can be seen from the picture that the makeshift hospital in the E1 hall has been basically completed, the ventilation system and bathroom system have been installed, the compartments have also been completed, and the beds and cabinets have been entered and are being installed.

Through interviews with reporters, we learned that the construction unit has optimized many details, making it simple and not simple.

  [Concurrent] Gao Fenglong, Chief Commander of Shenyang Fangcai Hospital and Health Station Project of China Construction Second Bureau

  When we first aided the construction of the project, we used this ordinary bathroom. This prefab house cannot be waterproofed. It leaks seriously and affects the function of use.

At the same time, everyone, this large-area shower has no privacy, it is inconvenient to take a bath, and it does not keep warm. The heating of the board room is not good, so this time we have added this equipment. Maybe this one enclosed includes a bath. The curtain is very private and has a special thermal insulation function.

On the scene, we have also invested a lot in intelligent equipment. We all use the integrated video surveillance system currently made by China Unicom and Haikang to ensure our internal use safety.

  [Explanation] It is understood that in order to complete the project of Shenyang Fangcang shelter hospital and health station on time and with high quality, the construction unit has mobilized a lot of manpower and material resources, and the builders are even more fully equipped, working 24 hours a day.

In order to protect the vital interests and personal safety of construction workers, construction units have made great efforts in logistical supplies and epidemic prevention.

  [Concurrent] Shi Qiang, deputy commander of the emergency reconstruction and health station project of Shenyang Fangcai Hospital, Northeast Company of China Construction Fifth Engineering Bureau

  Our company is responsible for the food and lodging of the on-site workers. We are responsible for the morning, noon and evening meals, including supper, to ensure the normal material needs of the workers.

  [Concurrent] Gao Fenglong, Chief Commander of Shenyang Fangcai Hospital and Health Station Project of China Construction Second Bureau

  We also monitor in real time during the (construction) process. For the epidemic risk situation in other territories, we will strictly screen the worker information we have collected for this epidemic risk to ensure that we are at risk and the first time we should be isolated and disposed of. , to ensure that all our construction workers can, and everyone, complete the rush construction task in a healthy and healthy manner.

  [Explanation] It is reported that the construction of Shenyang Fangcai Hospital and Health Station is progressing smoothly, and all parties are actively completing the construction tasks.

Guarantee the effective improvement of Shenyang's emergency response capabilities.

  Reporter Yu Ruizhai reported from Shenyang

Responsible editor: [Ye Pan]