March 26 is the "Earth Hour" campaign day, which advocates all sectors of society to turn off unnecessary lights and other power-consuming devices on the last Saturday in March every year from 20:30 to 21:30 in the evening to express Concern about climate change inspires everyone to take responsibility for protecting the environment.

It is reported that the theme of this year's event is "Action! Create the Future Together", which is intended to urge the public to pay more attention to the protection of the natural ecological environment.

At 20:30 that night, the reporter saw on the streets of Xi'an that the lights of landmark buildings such as the Bell Tower and the Drum Tower were turned off at the same time, in order to hope that the people would practice a simple, moderate, green and low-carbon lifestyle.

(Reporter Mei Yutaki)

Responsible editor: [Li Yuxin]