The colorful "Orange Heart Seeking Dreams", the delicate and vivid "School Celebration", the vivid "Trees and Birds"... Under the guidance of the teachers, the students from the School of Life Sciences of Lanzhou University used the petri dish as the canvas and the microorganisms as the canvas. "Pigments" have completed exquisite works of art - these gorgeous colors and patterns are "grown" by microorganisms themselves.

  A petri dish with a diameter of 9 cm, potato dextrose nutrient agar (PDA), an inoculation loop after high temperature sterilization, a strain in log phase... With these materials ready, you can start drawing a "painting".

  According to reports, the principle of microbial painting is actually the cultivation process of strains. Find suitable strains from the natural environment, and use aseptic operations to "grow" the strains into a beautiful painting according to their own different colors.

(The video of Li Jiali produced by reporter Ding Si comes from the School of Life Sciences, Lanzhou University)

Responsible editor: [Luo Pan]