[Explanation] Milk tea is a popular drink among young people nowadays. When milk tea is combined with anti-fraud promotion, what kind of "spark" will it "collide"?

  [Explanation] Liang Hui is a member of the "Women Pioneer Team" of the Panlong Police Station in Liangqing District, Nanning City, Guangxi. The team was established in September 2019 and consists of 20 female police officers and auxiliary police officers.

By analyzing and judging the characteristics of telecommunications fraud cases in their jurisdictions, they returned to visit the victims on the spot, carried out anti-fraud publicity that varies from person to person, and formulated a novel anti-fraud publicity plan, taking the lead in launching "anti-fraud milk tea" in Nanning.

  [Concurrent] Liang Hui, a policeman from the Panlong Police Station of Nanning Public Security Bureau

  Because according to the case analysis of telecommunications fraud in our jurisdiction, most of the victim groups are in the "post-90s" stage, and then we thought that young people in the "post-90s" like to drink milk tea, then if we promote this anti-fraud If the slogan is posted on the milk tea, it can achieve a wide-ranging publicity effect.

  [Explanation] The milk tea shop cooperating with the Panlong Police Station stands in a busy downtown area. In the milk tea shop, the red anti-fraud slogan with comics on the table is particularly eye-catching.

Tea Ji, the image spokesperson of the milk tea shop, told reporters that since the "anti-fraud milk tea" was launched in the store, it has been favored by many consumers, and some consumers even took out their mobile phones to scan the code to download the APP.

  [Concurrent] Tea Ji, the image spokesperson of a milk tea shop

  In fact, our store clerks will also tell them that on the online platform, we also told our Panlong police station that there is an online platform video about anti-fraud, and we also introduced it to our public friends to see, see After that, the fun and knowledge were combined, so everyone felt that our activities in this area were better.

  [Explanation] At present, the Panlong Police Station and the milk tea production company have jointly launched a series of 8 creative anti-fraud promotional videos, with a total playback volume of nearly 7 million times.

  [Explanation] Regarding the promotion method of milk tea combined with anti-fraud slogans, consumer Ms. Bu told reporters that when she saw the anti-fraud slogans posted on the milk tea cup, she felt very novel, and secondly, she felt that this way of spreading positive energy was very good.

  [Concurrent] Consumer Ms. Bu

  The first feeling is that it is very curious and novel. The second feeling is that I think it is very good, because I think young people now like to drink milk tea, and they can learn something by drinking milk tea, including increasing our awareness of anti-fraud. .

  [Concurrent] Consumer Mr. Zhang

  It's good, because we usually drink milk tea, and then we will take a look at some of the signs on it. In fact, after posting it like this, we can also increase our knowledge.

Then also increase the awareness of our law.

  [Concurrent] Consumer Ms. Wu

  My first reaction when I saw this was, wow, aren’t the liars too powerful now, they are going to defraud everywhere, and then I think this is very good, and I say that we can be inadvertently caught in this kind of routine, and then we can do a Preparedness for prevention, so I think it is very good, this is a great job.

  [Explanation] At present, the Panlong Police Station has signed contracts with 60 stores under a milk tea production company to jointly promote "anti-fraud milk tea". Every time a cup of milk tea is sold, the clerk will remind customers to scan the QR code to download the "National Anti-Fraud Center" APP.

With the efforts of the "women's vanguard", in mid-November 2021, the Panlong jurisdiction finally took off the "hat" of the city's high-incidence telecommunications fraud community for five consecutive times.

  Reported by Chen Yanyou in Nanning, Guangxi

Responsible editor: [Li Ji]