China Weather Network News yesterday (March 24) began to affect a new round of cold air in the central and eastern parts of my country. This round of cold air is an "all-rounder" player, and a lot of precipitation, cooling and sand are all delivered.

Among them, the heavy precipitation is divided into two parts: south and north. In addition to the continuous snowfall in Gansu, Qinghai, and Heilongjiang, the rainfall in Shandong Peninsula and eastern Liaoning will also be "on the line" today. In addition, the southern rain belt will further press southward. , Jiangxi, Fujian, and eastern Guangdong will all experience strong rains.

Liaoning and other places have strong rain today, Jiangnan and South China are heavy to heavy rain and continue to "open"

  A new round of cold air began to affect the central and eastern regions of my country from yesterday.

According to live monitoring, yesterday, heavy rain or heavy rain occurred in parts of southeastern Henan, Anhui, western Jiangsu, northern and southern Jiangxi, eastern Hubei, eastern Hunan, southwestern Fujian, central and northern Guangdong, and northeastern Guangxi. Local heavy rain (100-162 mm); snow, rain or sleet 2-14 mm in northwestern Xinjiang, western and central Gansu, southeastern Qinghai, northern Sichuan plateau, northeastern Inner Mongolia, and parts of central and western Heilongjiang.

  In the next three days, this cold air will continue to cooperate with the strong warm and humid airflow to bring continuous precipitation to the above-mentioned areas. The precipitation is still divided into two parts: south and north. Today, the north is dominated by heavy rainfall from Shandong Peninsula to eastern Liaoning. The rainy and snowy weather in Gansu, Qinghai, and the western Sichuan Plateau will also continue; in the southern region, due to the further southward pressure of the rain belt, Jiangxi, Fujian, and eastern Guangdong will experience strong rain.

  Specifically, today, there are small to medium scales in parts of northeastern Inner Mongolia, northwestern and eastern Heilongjiang, northern Xinjiang, southern and western mountainous areas, eastern Tibet, eastern and southern Qinghai, western Gansu, and northern Sichuan plateau. Snow, including heavy snow (5-9 mm) in parts of eastern Tibet and northern Sichuan Plateau; southern Anhui, most of Jiangxi, eastern and southern Hunan, most of Zhejiang, central and western Fujian, southeastern Guizhou, northern Guangxi, There were heavy rains in central and northern Guangdong, eastern Liaoning, and southeastern Jilin. Among them, there were heavy rains in parts of central, eastern and southern Jiangxi, western Zhejiang, western and northern Fujian, northern Guangdong, and northern Guangxi, and local heavy rains (100~ 130 mm).

  Tomorrow, there will be light to moderate snow in parts of northwestern Xinjiang, northeastern Inner Mongolia, northern and eastern Heilongjiang, eastern Tibet, central and eastern Qinghai, central and western Gansu, and northern Sichuan Plateau, including northeastern Inner Mongolia, eastern Tibet, and northern Sichuan Plateau. There was heavy snow (5-9 mm) in some areas such as western and eastern Sichuan, Chongqing, most of Fujian, most of Guangdong, southern Guangxi, Taiwan Island and other places, with moderate to heavy rain, among which, southeastern Fujian and eastern Guangdong had moderate to heavy rain. Local heavy rain (50-90 mm) in other places.

  It is worth noting that today and tomorrow, due to the intense convergence of cold and warm at the bottom of the low vortex shear, and the high unstable energy, the rainfall in most areas of Jiangnan, South China and other places will be dominated by convective precipitation. The public and relevant departments need to prevent Landslides, mudslides, flash floods and other disasters that may be caused by heavy rainfall in the ground.

The cold air attracts the dust in the northwest and other places to "add drama"

  Since it is said that this cold air is an "all-round" cold air, of course, it does not only bring about a wide range of rain and snow effects. Temperature shocks and strong winds and sand are also indispensable "protagonists" on my country's weather stage in the past two days. ".

  This cold air mainly affected eastern Xinjiang, western Gansu and western Inner Mongolia yesterday. Today, it will spread to most of the north. Tomorrow, it will quickly go south to the southwest, south of the Yangtze River, and northern southern China. It will finally arrive on Hainan Island on the 27th. Most areas have brought about 4-6 ℃ of cooling, and some areas in western Inner Mongolia, northeastern Northwest China, Shanxi and other places have even dropped by more than 10 ℃.

  It is understood that before the arrival of this cold air, the highest temperature in eastern Northwest China, southern North China, Huanghuai and other places was still around 20°C yesterday. Today, with the arrival of the main body of cold air, the highest temperature in the above-mentioned areas will generally drop to less than 20 degrees Celsius. 15°C.

  Similarly, in the eastern part of the southwest region to the south of the Yangtze River, the temperature will continue to rise today. The highest temperature in most areas may exceed 20 degrees Celsius, but after the cold air moves south tomorrow, the temperature will also decline, such as the highest temperature in Hangzhou today. It is expected that there is still 21 ℃, and it will drop to around 17 ℃ tomorrow.

  In addition, today, some areas in eastern Xinjiang and the southern Xinjiang Basin, northwestern Qinghai, central and western Inner Mongolia, and northern Ningxia are still blowing sand or floating dust.

  Finally, as winter and spring alternate, there are large temperature differences between day and night in many areas. The public should pay attention to nowcasting, add clothes in a timely manner, and beware of catching a cold.