The late cold continues until today (23rd).

The daytime maximum temperature in Seoul will be 10 degrees and it will be colder than yesterday.

From tomorrow, the southwest wind will start to blow again, but as the temperature rises sharply, there will soon be a feeling of warmth again.

Currently, fine dust has raised its head in the western region.

Due to atmospheric stagnation, southern Gyeonggi, Chungcheong, Jeonbuk and Gwangju will show poor daily average concentration levels, and fine dust concentrations in Seoul may temporarily increase at night.

The sky has been cloudy and cloudy since morning.

There is no special rain forecast today, but raindrops will occasionally fall in central and Honam in the midst of heavy rain.

The daytime maximum temperature will be 10 degrees in Seoul, 10 degrees in Daejeon, and 14 degrees in Busan, slightly lower than yesterday.

It will be warm from tomorrow, but it will rain across the country from Friday night to Saturday.

(Tae-Bin Yang, Weather Caster)