The Government has forgotten the Spanish countryside for too long

and the Spanish countryside flooded Madrid this Sunday in a



to make it ugly and demand rescue measures that save a fundamental sector from the ruin into which it has been allowed to fall, among other things reasons for political inaction.

Tens of thousands of








from all over the country went to the capital to say enough, ask for help and make

Pedro Sánchez

see that they are

homeless, that the agricultural sector is no longer profitable and that they cannot continue to support their



They are at the limit and urgently need a shock plan to stop the rise in the prices of


, the


and the

raw Materials

and return viability to agricultural and livestock farms.

And that guarantees fair prices to stop speculation that has suffocated the

primary sector

and that affects the final sale price of food and, therefore, in the pocket of all Spaniards, today even more so in the midst of an inflationary wave.

The sector's demands for the sharp increase in production costs to be alleviated and for there to be an urgent regulation of electricity rates are clearly fair.

For example, a farmer is already facing a rise in the cost of energy and fuel of 96% year-on-year.

And he has to pay


150% more expensive than a year ago;

and the


, another 35% more.

Nobody escapes that the situation is completely unsustainable.

There is no excuse, Moncloa must act immediately and stop looking the other way, because it is a priority sector for the economy and because there are 7.5 million people living in rural areas.

The field claims



direct aid

to survive and not continue working at a loss.

And it has been feeling the abandonment of this Government for too long, which has been insensitive and has a very sectarian vision of the collective as a whole -there is, without going any further, the very degrading treatment of the Ministry of Ecological Transition-, despite the exercise of extraordinary responsibility that the entire sector demonstrated during the worst months of the coronavirus pandemic.


, when the demands were put aside to lend a hand like never before and guarantee, as was done, that neither the production nor the supply for a citizenry that was so anguished would fail in the least.

The situation is very serious and farmers and ranchers are not going to stop until they save the sector.

The president of the Rural Alliance already said it,

Fermin Bohorquez

, "the field will react".

And he will do it united, without distinguishing colors or hanging political labels, as was evident in the mobilization in Madrid.

All in one.

And it is that the Spanish countryside will be in danger of extinction in the short term if the Government does not act immediately and stop behaving irresponsibly.

Help must come now, not when the



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