A few days ago, in a ship repair factory in Heiyanzi Town, Fengnan District, Tangshan City, Hebei Province, on the north shore of the Bohai Bay, the sound of horns and ding ding dings were heard from time to time. These are boat twisters repairing fishing boats.

  For 600 years, most of the fishermen in Heiyanzi Town, Fengnan District, have been using wooden boats to go out to sea for fishing operations. The wooden boats have been beaten and eroded by seawater for a long time, and the hulls of the boats will inevitably be damaged.

During the slack fishing season, the fishermen will repair the fishing boats.

  The repair of wooden boats gave birth to the industry of twisting boats.

Boat twisting, as an important craft in the traditional culture of fishermen, needs to go through 9 processes such as stitching, stuffing, grinding, putting putty, and brushing tung oil, so as to prevent the hull from leaking, seepage, and strengthen the hull.

Each process tests the technical level of the twister.

  The wooden boats on the dock platform were successively repaired by the hands of twisters, and finally painted, and the fishing boats took on a new look and went to the sea.

  (Baiyunshui Liu Yang Li Fuzheng produced Li Jiali)

Responsible editor: [Wang Kai]