5 minutes

The Arab does not read

Abdullah Al Qamzi


March 21, 2022

Perhaps there is no tool that reflects the Arab popular mood like WhatsApp.

When you spread the material of spreading wildfire in it, you know that most believe it.

WhatsApp posts are open, and they come to us from all sides, given the openness we live in.

There is one fact that the Arab does not believe in history, nor does he believe in fate and destiny, but he believes that everything that happens is a “prepared and pre-planned movie,” and that there are hidden forces running the world, these forces have run the world since the birth of this Arab.

In other words: it's the plot.

We have finished with the conspiracies of “Corona” that were monitored by the prestigious international media, and refuted them one by one, but the Arab does not want to believe only what is consistent with his beliefs, then the Russian war on Ukraine came to us, and with it new conspiracy theories appeared.

The Arab suffers from a paranoia complex, and his interpretations of things stem from this complex, as he sees that the world is waiting for him.

The intelligent and talented Arab employs his intelligence in the service of the conspiracy, so you see him collecting half-truths and false information, or manipulating them, to mix facts with illusions, to mix what happened (fact) with what did not happen (illusions), and create a conspiracy from the womb of another conspiracy, then he shares his material in Social media applications, and everyone believes fallacies, for one reason, which is that they want to believe them, because this is what they were raised on, as the Arab does not read.

A conspiracy is false information or a rumor, which in the past was hostage to human minds, and does not move away from their tongues, due to the limited media and the role of the publisher in raising awareness against it.

And when the “Social Media” appeared, and everyone who carried a smart device became a publisher, the conspiracy gained a momentum it never dreamed of.

Belief in conspiracy and believing predictions is one of the signs of polytheism in God Almighty. In the conspiracy theory there is no Creator, because the one who directs and manages things is the evil person who lives in the West, and he is the omnipotent and controlling everything.

The conspiracy exaggerates the role of that villain in the mind of the poor Arab who does not read, and blows into the fire, and the Arab believes that the bad guys are waiting for him, wanting to control him and steal his resources, so he becomes obsessed with the forces of evil in his mind, and thus he forgets that the course of the universe and the mastermind of matters is God Almighty. , And not humans with their film, which exists only in the mind of the Arab who does not read.

Does the conspiracy exist?

Yes, but on a small scale, and not as the Arab imagines, because humans have limited capabilities, and they cannot plan and control everything all the time, since the dawn of history and forever, because that is impossible.

The believers in the conspiracy are everywhere, they are in the East (Russia, China and the Arabs) more than in the West.


The former Soviet Union tame its citizens on conspiracy theory and fear of the West and its demonization, and when it dissolved, we saw its citizens migrate by the thousands to the West itself, and even the Arabs did not migrate to China, but to the West, and this West is not a paradise, nor a home for angels, and it is far from ideal. But out of the scope of conspiracy thought science and light.


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