The Social Democratic Party will hold a party convention, and in the summer House of Councilors election, it will fight to firmly adhere to Article 9 of the Constitution in order to secure the votes necessary to maintain the party requirements under the Public Offices Election Act. Was decided.

The Social Democratic Party's party convention was held in Tokyo from the 19th to the 2nd, and decided the activity plan for the next 2 years and the "combat policy" for the summer Upper House election.

Among them, the summer House of Councilors election, which depends on maintaining the party requirements under the Public Offices Election Act, is positioned as "an important struggle for survival as a national political party," and the required proportional representation rate is 2%. The goal is to earn more votes and aim to win two or more people.

Then, in order to achieve the goal, in addition to fighting to firmly adhere to Article 9 of the Constitution, such as holding meetings to prevent constitutional amendment and conducting street proclamation actions in all prefectures, non-regular workers, women and young people who are suffering from corona damage. We are planning to come up with concrete measures to protect such things.

At a press conference after the party convention, Fukushima said, "The House of Councilors election will be a crucial election not only for the Social Democratic Party but also for the Constitution. I want to stop it. "