[Commentary] On March 14, at the request of the Hong Kong SAR government, a total of 75 mainland medical teams sent by Guangdong Province to Hong Kong set off for Hong Kong to fully cooperate with the SAR government in the treatment of patients and help Hong Kong stabilize and control the epidemic as soon as possible.

  The medical team from the mainland to Hong Kong includes 36 doctors and 39 nurses. The team members are from 14 top-three public hospitals in Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Foshan and Zhuhai. They are engaged in respiratory medicine, nephrology, cardiovascular medicine, etc. and elderly patients. closely related departments.

  [Explanation] The reporter saw at Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University that seven members of the hospital's medical team from the mainland to aid Hong Kong were ready to go.

It is understood that they are all clinical front-line backbones who have participated in many epidemic prevention and control work, and most of them are proficient in Cantonese and English.

  Huang Chulin, an attending physician in endocrinology, told reporters that Hong Kong is half of her home, and half of her relatives live in Hong Kong.

Before that, she was already in contact with relatives in Hong Kong through the Internet, and remotely guided everyone in health care medication.

  [Concurrent] Huang Chulin, a member of the mainland medical team for Hong Kong

  Some of my family members (in Hong Kong) also tested positive, but for various reasons, many of them are actually taking medication at home, and then I will instruct him how to monitor his vital signs, or use some For example, for drugs like Lianhua Qingwen, when will they need to go to the hospital for treatment, but if I go to Hong Kong, I can be directly responsible for these things, although it is not necessarily responsible for them, but I think I can still do what I can do.

  I actually have feelings for this place in Hong Kong, and I can do things within my power that are more meaningful than what I do remotely.

  [Explanation] Chen Wanzhi, another nurse in charge of the Cardiology Department, followed her husband's footsteps. One month after her husband went to Hong Kong, she also became a member of the medical team. The husband and wife will fight together on the front line of the anti-epidemic in Hong Kong .

  [Concurrent] Chen Wanzhi, a member of the mainland medical team for Hong Kong

  Because my husband was helping the Hong Kong medical team to support nucleic acid sampling, he told me that he felt that Hong Kong citizens were very qualified in his experience there. It is quiet and his personal experience is very good.

  [Explanation] But even if Chen Wanzhi and her husband are in Hong Kong together, they can only be "cloud reunion", and the colleagues of Li Huiyi, deputy chief nurse of the NICU of the Pediatrics Department of the Second People's Hospital of Guangdong Province, came here specially on the day off Get together and give gifts to friends.

  [Concurrent] Li Huiyi's colleague Ding Wenfeng

  We have been to Wuhan together, so our relationship is very deep. It is a life-threatening friendship. We have prepared two gifts, one is an apple, I hope everyone can go safely and come back safely. A box of chocolates, mainly considering that today is March 14th, which is called White Day, let everyone eat chocolates and be happy and sweet.

  [Explanation] According to reports, the mainland medical team to Hong Kong will go to the community treatment facility of AWE in Hong Kong to participate in medical care work.

The patients admitted to the AWE Community Treatment Facility are mainly elderly people, and most of them have underlying diseases. They are high-risk patients with severe and critical illnesses.

After the medical team arrives in Hong Kong, they will work quickly to reduce severe illness and death.

  Reporter Wang Qingran reports from Guangzhou

Responsible editor: [Yu Xiao]