There are plenty of reasons for a guilty conscience: drinking too much, not doing enough sport, watching Germany's Next Topmodel without zapping away, shopping online with relish and so on.

Telephoning wasn't actually part of it, but that has changed.

Maybe it's the kids.

They would only call someone if the apartment was on fire.

Although: You've probably never heard of the emergency number 112 either.

So the apartment and the entire house, even the whole district, would probably burn down before the offspring had the idea of ​​calling someone.

Uwe Marx

Editor in Business.

  • Follow I follow

This generation finds phone calls funny.

It's encroaching when someone is supposed to talk who maybe doesn't want to talk at all!

In addition, you can chase at least a few dozen messages back and forth via Whatsapp or other messenger services.

Why call?

Is retro.

Only do boomers.

Well, the Boomer now has a bad conscience when he wants to call.

For example colleagues.

Telephoning before the conference: not good, this could cause stress on the other end of the line.

After the conference: not optimal either, then many want to get down to work, not make a call.

Okay, then later, around four or so.

The bad conscience says: Stupid idea, that's shortly before the end of the working day, most of them are somewhere else with their thoughts.

Well, then tomorrow: But then the whole fuss will start all over again.

The best thing is probably a short text message.

Content: Is calling tomorrow okay?

At what time?

And if you don't get a quick answer: do you call?

No, don't!

Except for 112. Or is an emerging telephone phobia not an emergency?

In the "Nine to five" column, weekly changing authors write about the curiosities of everyday life at work, school and university.