We have been warning of the government's crude stratagem to blame Putin for its own incompetence.

According to the slogan put into circulation by Moncloa, the Spanish were going through a period of economic boom and solid recovery until the Russian autocrat had the idea of ​​invading Ukraine, triggering undesirable effects on the pockets of citizens.

Yesterday in Congress we witnessed the rhetorical deployment of this cheap trick that Sánchez already launched during the pandemic.

mine and with which he hopes to socialize responsibility to avoid personal wear and tear - let us remember the so-called co-governance - and incidentally annul the supervisory role of the opposition, which will be branded as unpatriotic if it does not renounce its role and surrender to the unwavering support of the Government:

the war would justify this kind of transitory experiment of a one-party regime


But that aspiration is not what corresponds to a healthy democracy.

Inflation already exceeded 6% before the invasion, Spain's gross domestic product fell like that of no other country during 2020, it recovered more slowly than anyone -despite the false triumphalism that Calviño was selling- and the expectations contained in the Budgets they did not resist the analysis of any moderately rigorous organism.

The Executive was recently boasting that it would not leave anyone behind, that we would come out stronger and that its accounts were the most expansive in social spending in history, with electoral winks to civil servants and pensioners while the salaried middle classes were unprotected and to SMEs.

Pretend now that everything is Putin's fault

and to complain that the PP does not lend a hand to point out that lie is to take the Spanish for idiots.

The responsibility that Spain is less prepared to face the harsh consequences of this war belongs to those who have been governing for four years.

Of course there are exogenous factors that complicate things, but the Spaniards vote to be governed and for whoever governs to assume all the results of their management, not to record the successes and endorse the setbacks to others.

In the same way that Minister Albares must be recognized for prevailing over Teresa Ribera's naive theses regarding the future energy response, Moncloa must also recognize the resounding division within the coalition between the majority positions of the ministers socialists and those of Podemos,

Entangled by order of Pablo Iglesias in a fratricide against Yolanda Díaz

at the same time that they act as loudspeakers for Putin's defeatist propaganda.

The social and economic panorama is going to be complicated.

The time of frivolity must give way to an adult cooperation in the center that borders the extremes on which Sánchez bases his power.

This radical stage has been blown up with the new geopolitical time and the decisive repositioning of a united Europe.

Sánchez must seek the support of the PP without victimization or the double game of pretending to be moderate and maintaining his anti-system alliances.

It's time to choose


The price of energy will continue to rise, the measures to be taken will be difficult and the governance of a country in crisis cannot be left in the hands of extremist partners.

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