Pre-diabetes symptoms.. know them

Diabetes mellitus, type 2, is one of the most common types of the disease, and it occurs due to health problems that lead to a defect in the production of insulin responsible for regulating blood sugar.

A person can develop type 2 diabetes at any age, but it is most common after 45 years, according to a report by Medical News Today.

The site indicates that the percentage of people with this type of diabetes of them represents between 90 to 95 percent of diabetics.

A person is considered to have type 2 diabetes when the blood sugar level is high and the body is unable to use it to generate energy.

In this case, the body's production of insulin does not stop completely, but its concentration decreases in a way that makes it unable to rid the body of excess sugar.

The site pointed out that this occurs when the blood sugar level is tested and is 126 mg per deciliter or more, immediately before breakfast or after fasting for up to 8 hours.

The website indicated that the onset of type 2 diabetes does not have visible symptoms at first, but as things develop, there are some symptoms that can indicate infection, most notably urination at unusual rates, weight loss, increased feeling of hunger, pale skin color, vision problems and increased feeling tired.

The site pointed out that there is a stage called "pre-diabetes", a stage in which those who reach it can change some methods of eating and sports so as not to move to the stage of diabetes.

This stage is for people who are taking tests to screen for diabetes and their levels are between 100 and 125 milligrams per deciliter.