China must play a much more active role in resolving the conflict

caused by Putin's expansionism.

Not only because of the ascendancy that the Asian giant has over Moscow, but because it is the only major actor on the global scene that can stop the escalation of war and prevent the worst.

To date, however, Xi Jinping seems more interested in watching Western democracies and the Russian autocracy weaken each other than in intervening, despite the fact that his economy t

It will also be greatly affected if the war drags on.

The Chinese foreign minister continues to juggle not condemning the Russian attack while supporting Ukrainian sovereignty, but he is willing to carry out "the necessary mediation".

He recognizes contacts but his commitment is insufficient today.

That Beijing drags its feet when it comes to mediating with Putin is also explained by the historical interest it has in Taiwan, the object of Chinese ambition and an ally of the United States, which makes the scenario more tense.

That Xi wants to annex Taiwan as Putin wanted Ukraine also explains the collusion between the two regimes, and would support the suspicion that China was aware of the invasion but managed to delay it until after the Winter Olympics.


Diplomacy between democracies is easier

, but for that very reason it is urgent to make an effort so that Beijing becomes involved in the mediation with the Kremlin.

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