The opposition exists in order to constantly be against everything.

And for the authorities, in fact, it is a big plus when there is someone to discuss with and go a little beyond their boring perception of the world.

Any opponent keeps you in shape.

Only now the opponent for this must be worthy, able to conduct a dialogue.

Well, never passing through some basics.

After all, one can have very different views and still share common concepts about life, love and duty. 

You, dear curators of the Russian opposition, there, in the West, this is called the word dignity - dignity, honor, those qualities that, unfortunately, your wards do not have.

You were able to find such representatives of our country and recruit them. 

You can criticize and be dissatisfied with what is happening, while doing something, changing, becoming more active within the framework of the law and decency, somehow productively trying to change your own country.

You can remain a scum even in such difficult times, when somehow, on the contrary, you should think about values, reconsider your own motives, and not work for the benefit of a foreign state, trying to undermine the foundations within your own. 

Most representatives of the Russian opposition are no longer even on the territory of our country, leaving behind only a media presence in the form of blogs and media mentions.

But, by the way, why?

Why, with the exorbitant blocking of instant messengers, platforms and the disconnection of Russia from the web world, none of the foreign agents have yet succumbed to an equivalent disconnection from the ability to broadcast to our audience?

Hmm, well, it's just a thought to think about. 

While they are abroad, provocations and calls for participation in uncoordinated actions are taking place here, in our cities.

Only now there is little sense and exhaust from them.

Only a few take to the streets, and this decline in involvement was planned for a long time, even a year ago, when few people supported the actions of Leonid Volkov, who fled Russia, or when Navalny went to jail for absolutely illegal actions, and the number of his supporters began to decrease exponentially.

The only thing in which the strength of our unconstructively minded opposition still remains is in the information bombing, creating the appearance of violent activity and super-activity.

Partly for accountability to those same Western curators, partly, apparently, because they believe in all the toxic heresy that they carry.

And even now, the amount of hype around "anti-war" stocks is greater than their real weight. 

In contrast, one can simply compare the number of participants in opposition rallies and the same rally in support of the actions of the Russian army in Ukraine.

Well, this is not to mention sociological polls that show the real level of support for the president's decisions regarding Ukraine and the confidence of the Russian army.

According to VTsIOM, 70% of Russians understand and accept the purpose of Russia's special operation in Ukraine.

And if only half believe that this is all for the sake of protecting the interests of our country and preventing the emergence of NATO military bases near our borders, then the rest think no worse - 20% of the respondents each answered that the actions of the Russian Federation are set to change the political course of Ukraine and protect the population in the territories of the Lugansk and Donetsk republics.

As a result, it turns out that no matter how nightmare we are with news from abroad, no matter how our small-town oppositionists escalate the situation, no matter how incomprehensible, scary and painful for all of us, for the most part we understand why all this is necessary.

Russia in this case is not a buller, it is a defender.

And defenders, I know this from my experience as a parent, sometimes need to make unpopular, but the right decisions, which in the future will become clear even to the most wayward children.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editors.