The latest "scientific" rumor list revealed that eating black sesame pills to prevent hair loss, and sterilizing tableware and tableware with hot water before meals are just "psychological comfort" In addition -

  are figure skating athletes born dizzy?

also have to practice

  The grand opening of the Winter Paralympics continues the passion!

At the same time, the popularity of the Winter Olympics has not subsided, and many folk masters are still practicing "4A" in private, intending to compete with Bing Dun Dun.

One can't help but ask, why can figure skaters keep turning, turning, turning on the ice, but we ordinary people can't?

Do they really have the talent of "not turning dizzy"?

actually not.

The latest issue of the "Science" gossip list has been released, which puts forward positive answers to the topics of ice and snow sports that are of interest to everyone.

  The monthly "scientific" rumor list is guided by the Beijing Association for Science and Technology, the Beijing Municipal Internet Information Office, and the Capital Internet Association.

  Rumor: The colder the ice and snow sports, the better

  The truth: Although the Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics are competitions on the ice and snow arena, it is very important to keep the quality of ice and snow stable.

However, low temperature will not only bring physical coldness, but also have practical effects on the performance and safety of the competition, athletes' competition equipment and venue facilities.

For example, in sleds, snowmobiles, and sleds, the ideal weather is a sunny day at or below 0°C.

Ski jumping is recognized as one of the most weather-sensitive competitions, and it is not suitable for competitions when the temperature is lower than -20°C or higher than 0°C.

If the temperature is low, the limbs of the athletes will be stiff. When the temperature is below -20°C or the extreme cold weather continues, the snow quality is too hard, and even a relatively thick layer of ice crystals appears, and the athletes are prone to fall when they land.

  There is a similar situation in freestyle skiing. Too low temperature will have a greater impact on the physical fitness and technical movements of athletes, increasing the risk of injury to athletes.

  Rumour: Figure skaters' ability to turn is a talent

  Fact: Figure skaters spin nearly 100 laps per game on average, turning when they say they want to, and stopping when they say they are so calm. Are they really talented?

In fact, the reason why figure skaters don't get dizzy is because they are constantly training, and they are not born without dizziness.

  The vestibular system in people's ears is the perceptual system responsible for the body's own sense of balance and space, and it is also an important structural basis for ensuring people's ability to maintain coordination and balance in complex movements.

  When a person turns in a circle, the endolymph in the semicircular canals of the vestibular system rotates at the same speed.

At this time, a special receptor "ampulla cap" in the human body receives this information and reflects it to the brain, and the brain knows that the person is spinning.

When the body suddenly stops rotating, the displacement of endolymph usually lasts for 3 seconds and then stops, but it takes 25-30 seconds for the ampulla cap to return to its original state.

Therefore, when the person stops turning the circle, there is a feeling of spinning in the opposite direction.

  Through long-term training, the vestibular system gradually becomes accustomed to the spatial changes of the head, and becomes "sluggish" to these stimuli, thereby defeating the natural response of the human body.

Continuous training allows their bodies to become acclimated to the rotation so that a high level of postural and balance control can be smoothly achieved.

  Myth: Primates are best for organ transplants

  Fact: Some people think that in the field of xenotransplantation, primates, the closest relatives of humans, are the most suitable organ donors.

  In fact, the "close relatives" of primates are not ideal organ transplant donors for humans.

  The use of primates as organ donors faces many technical and ethical issues.

For example, most species of primates are small, and their organ performance and size cannot support the needs of human metabolism; primates have low reproductive rates (on average, one generation per decade), while larger orangutans and baboons, themselves In an endangered state, it is also difficult to meet the human demand for organ transplants.

They may also carry viruses susceptible to human infection, such as simian immunodeficiency virus and Ebola virus, which may recombine to produce more harmful viruses once these organs are transplanted into humans.

  So, which animal is better?

It's actually a pig.

Because their organs are similar in size to humans, their risk of infectious diseases is lower, and they have the advantage of being relatively abundant.

From the perspective of "performance parameters", the body temperature of pigs and humans is 36°C to 37°C, the size of the heart, pipeline distribution and power output, and even the heart rate (human heart rate is 60 to 100 beats/min, pigs are 55 to 60 beats/min) /min) are similar.

The foreseeable range of organ transplantation includes cornea, skin, pancreatic islets, joints, tendons, ligaments, kidneys, hearts, livers, etc.

  At present, in the medical field, pig heart valves implanted with human cells have been used for patient treatment, and pig ligament and tendon transplantation has also matured, so they are considered to be the best choice for xenotransplantation at this stage.

  Myth: Dry Eye Syndrome is "Dehydrated Eyes"

  The truth: Dry eye can be solved by "hydrating" with frequent eye drops?

Doing so can delay treatment and lead to worsening of the condition and even blindness.

Especially for the "oil-deficient" type of dry eye, you must go to a regular hospital for dry eye symptoms.

  According to reports, dry eye syndrome is the ocular surface damage and discomfort caused by the imbalance of tear film homeostasis. It can also lead to corneal damage and even visual impairment.

  The moisture of the cornea depends on the tear film, and the outermost layer of the tear film is covered with a layer of "oil" secreted by the meibomian glands to prevent the water from evaporating too quickly. This layer of oil is meibum.

If the glands cannot secrete oil, it will cause dry eye due to Meibomian gland dysfunction.

More than 80% of dry eye patients are associated with Meibomian gland dysfunction.

  For the "oil-deficient" type of dry eye, blindly using eye drops for "hydration" is not only ineffective, but may also aggravate the condition by destroying the lipid layer.

At the same time, the preservatives and other chemicals in eye drops can also damage the cornea and conjunctiva cells on the ocular surface.

At present, the traditional treatment method in regular hospitals is to relieve the uncomfortable symptoms of dry eye through hot fumigation, meibomian gland massage, eyelid margin cleaning, and artificial tears.

  Myth: Eating black sesame pills can prevent hair loss

  The truth: Eating black sesame pills can "raise black with black" and save the hairline?

Don't get your hopes up, eating too much can backfire.

  First of all, eating black sesame seeds does not reduce gray hair.

The black color of black sesame comes from a flavonoid, but the amino acid derivatives composed of melanocytes in the human body are not the same as the pigment in black sesame. Therefore, even eating black sesame will not help the body to produce melanin and reduce white hair. .

  Let's talk about the "anti-fall" effect of black sesame seeds.

Black sesame is an oil-seed crop that usually contains more than half of its weight in oil.

Today's hair loss is mainly "seborrheic alopecia", and its skin secretes a lot of oil, which is convenient for fungi to multiply and cause hair follicle damage.

If you eat too much black sesame pills, it may also increase the secretion of oil, cause itching of the scalp, erythema, etc., and cause the burden of weight and blood lipids.

  In theory, vitamin B2 in black sesame seeds can prevent seborrheic dermatitis, but to meet the daily requirement of 1.2 mg of vitamin B2 for adult women, you need to eat more than a pound, while men need more.

This is by no means what merchants and Internet celebrities recommend. Just eating a little can achieve the desired effect.

  Myth: Wine made from pure grains is healthier

  Fact: Alcohol's health effects come from the alcohol and other fusel alcohols in it.

In fact, whether it is "pure grain brewing" or "edible alcohol blending", the alcohol in it is obtained through grain fermentation.

As long as it is alcohol, it is equally harmful to health.

  In addition, the "self-brewing" and "home-brewing" that many people admire, the fermentation process is not well controlled, and there is often no standardized distillation operation in the follow-up, so the fusel alcohol content is usually higher.

Some fusel alcohols have a greater impact on health than alcohol, which is why sometimes drinking "home-brewed" and "local wine" is more "superior".

  Therefore, from a health point of view, it is recommended not to drink alcohol.

For those making their own wine, be more careful.

  Myth: Lemons can help sleep and make children grow taller

  Fact: The claim that lemons help children grow taller has no scientific basis.

Whether a child can grow taller is not only affected by genetics, but also related to three factors: sleep, nutrition and exercise.

  Sleep does play an important role in height growth and intellectual development.

But the vast majority of children do not have trouble falling asleep.

Some people think that lemon will produce a special aroma, so that children sleep better.

Children with more deep sleep grow very fast.

But in fact, it is unrealistic to try to speed up sleep by smelling lemon, because lemon has no sleep aid effect.

  The height of a child is not only affected by genetic factors, but also has a certain relationship with the external environment, including sleep, exercise, diet, and emotions.

Parents can help their children’s height by keeping them adequate and regular sleep, exercising, ensuring adequate nutrition, and maintaining a good mood.

In short, we must use scientific methods to help children grow taller, and consult a regular hospital if necessary.

  Rumor: Tableware can be sterilized by scalding with boiling water

  The truth: Many people are used to scalding the tableware and chopsticks with boiling water to disinfect and sterilize before having dinner parties.

But this is only "psychological comfort".

When scalding tableware with boiling water, due to insufficient heating temperature and time, it is often not guaranteed to kill most pathogenic microorganisms, and its function is at most to wash down the floating dust.

  To achieve the desired effect of high temperature disinfection, two conditions must be met at the same time: one is temperature and the other is time.

For example, pathogenic Escherichia coli, Bacillus typhi, Vibrio cholerae and other common bacterial propagules that can cause diarrhea require 5-10 minutes for hot water at 80°C and 2-5 minutes for boiling water to kill; infant diarrhea virus requires Hepatitis A virus can survive for 5 minutes at 100°C for 5 minutes; hepatitis A virus can survive for 30 minutes at 56°C, hepatitis B virus can survive for 4 hours at 60°C, and they can be destroyed by continuous boiling for 1 minute; Microorganisms require higher temperature and longer time.

  However, in order to avoid scalding, the hot water hot tea provided by the general restaurant is mostly around 70℃-80℃.

Pour this water into cool dishes and the temperature will drop even lower.

In addition, when many people iron tableware, it takes more than ten seconds at most, which is far from enough in terms of action time.

  During a dinner party, instead of scalding the bowl with boiling water, what people need to do more is to use public chopsticks and spoons, divide meals, or use packaged sterilized tableware.

As long as the tableware has undergone a strict disinfection and sterilization process, it can be used with confidence.

  Text/Reporter Li Jie