Jing Zhe, also known as "Qi Zhe", is the third solar term in the twenty-four solar terms.

The sound of spring thunder awoke all things from sleep, the spring breeze sent warmth, and life was full of life everywhere.

The little animals that have been dormant all winter come out one after another to enjoy the warm breeze of spring.

The picture shows Julian Rad, a 29-year-old photographer from Vienna, Austria, took a series of photos of small animals and flowers. In the photos, animals such as squirrels, mice and rabbits took photos with the flowers, smelling the fragrance of the flowers, very intoxicated, and feeling the vitality of spring.

Julian Rad said that wild animals are not easy to photograph, you must be patient, and you may finish shooting and go home but find that you have not taken a satisfactory photo.

Image source: ICphoto

Release time: 2022-03-05 13:16:09 【Editor: Yang Yanyu】