"Will there be a war in Sweden?"

and "What is NATO for?"

are some of the 51,000 messages that Lilla has currently received since Russia invaded Ukraine.

With the help of experts and child psychologists, the editors have arranged a live chat for children between 8-12 years.

According to Lilla Aktuellt reporter Nora Fazel, this is the first time that a chat has been active for so long.

- We have never had a chat started for so many days or received so many messages.

The times it has come close are, for example, the terrorist attack on Drottninggatan 2017 or the murder of the artist Eínar, says Nora Fazel.

It's not just questions that are asked, says Fazel.

There are also those who use the chat to write about their worries or anxieties.

- Many of the children are worried.

Some have experience of war or have relatives in Ukraine.

In the clip above, you can hear Nora Fazel on how to answer the children's questions about whether there will be a war in Sweden.