In mid-spring thunderstorms shook, stinging the trees and trees.

The first thunder that is about to usher seems to remind people that mid-spring has come.

The spring thunder shook, awakening the hibernating animals and dormant insects. At this time, everything woke up, the warmth between heaven and earth was gradually rising, and the spring was getting stronger.

  Entering March, it is also the time of "Nine-Nine".

According to the ancient Chinese folk method of calculating the dates of cold days and spring flowers, "number nine", the eighty-one days after the winter solstice are "winter nine nine".

To count the nine nines is the day when the spring flowers bloom.

There is a folk saying: "Nine-nine and nine-nine, ploughs and oxen go everywhere." It can be seen that the time of nine-nine is already busy in the middle of spring when farming is busy.

In March, there is also the Flower Festival to celebrate the birthday of Hundred Flowers.

At this time, people go to the outskirts to visit flowers, go on outings, and the world is full of spring.

On February 2, the river goes up

The east wind is warm and the sun is blowing

Dragon rises on March 4th (the second day of the second month of the lunar calendar)

  Dragon head up, also known as Spring Ploughing Festival, Farming Festival, Qinglong Festival, Spring Dragon Festival, etc., is a traditional Chinese folk festival.

The festival originated from the worship of natural and astronomical phenomena, and is related to people's understanding of the movement of stars and farming culture in ancient times.

Since ancient times, Chinese folk believe that the dragon is an auspicious object, and the master of weather and rain, and the day when the dragon rises is regarded as a day to pray for good weather, exorcism, and good luck.

On this day, people worship the dragon, pray for rain, get a haircut, eat pig's head, and eat noodles... I hope this year will have a good start.

  When it comes to the custom that people are most impressed by today, it is naturally "shaving the faucet".

There is a saying that "on the second day of the second month, the dragon looks up", so many people shave their heads on the second day of the second month of the lunar calendar, which has the auspicious meaning of "shaving the dragon's head".

Ancient folk believed that shaving one's head on the same day would make people lucky and lucky.

"In the old days in Chengdu, there were long queues in the barbershops in the streets and alleys. Mothers were also busy shaving their baby's hair. In this good day, they found a skilled master to cut the baby's hair." Folklore expert Liu Xiaochang said.

  According to Liu Xiaochang's recollection, the second day of the second lunar month is also called "Zhonghe Festival".

According to legend, the "Zhonghe Festival" was a festival established in the Tang Dynasty, and the date at that time was the first day of the second lunar month, but with the evolution of history, it was changed to the second day of the second lunar month. Look up" mixed with a festival.

"In the old days, Chengdu people would eat sun cakes and drink neutralizing wine on this day," he said.

New Year's Eve

The vegetation is still unknown

Jing Zhe March 5th (the third day of the second month of the lunar calendar)

  "Spring thunder scares hundreds of insects", with the sound of spring thunder in the stinging season, the stinging insects that are hibernating underground for the winter are awakened. At this time, the spring energy is sprouting, and nature has new vitality.

According to the record in "The Seventy-two Hours of the Moon Order": "In the second month of the month, all things are out of shock, and the shock is thunder, so it is called Jingzhe. It's the stinging insect that has been shocked and ran away." It can be seen that the Jingzhe solar term, its symbolic features are: Spring thunders, and everything is full of vitality.

  An agricultural proverb says, "When it comes to Jingzhe Festival, the hoe does not stop." It can be seen that the Chinese working people have attached great importance to the Jingzhe solar term since ancient times, and regarded it as the beginning of spring ploughing.

"The Spring Festival of Insects has a very important role in agricultural production." Liu Xiaochang said, "When the instigation arrives, the spring ploughing has begun."

  Although Jing Zhe has reached the "nine-nine" time, due to the alternation of hot and cold air, the weather is warm and cold, cold and hot.

"It's like a baby's face, crying and laughing for a while." Liu Xiaochang joked.

So in this season, you can eat more moisturizing food.

Because the weather changes greatly and the climate is relatively dry, it is easy to make people feel dry and uncomfortable.

Therefore, there is a custom of eating pears in the folk.

Hundred flowers birthday is a good day

It's not even half of spring

Flower Festival March 14th/17th

(Lunar February 12th/15th)

  Chinese people love flowers, and the Hua Dynasty Festival has a long history. It was first recorded in the "Tao Zhu Gongshu" in the Spring and Autumn Period. It is also called "Flower God Festival" and "Vegetable Picking Festival".

Due to the vast territory of China and the great difference in climate between the north and the south, the date of the Huachao Festival is adjusted according to local conditions, which is related to the sooner or later of the flower letter in various places.

There are flower festivals held on the second day of the second lunar month, as well as on February 12th, February 15th, and February 25th.

According to the Gregorian calendar, the date corresponding to the Huachao Festival is generally around March.

In terms of the twenty-four solar terms, it is roughly between the awakening of the worm and the spring equinox.

  In ancient times, the Flower Festival was prosperous for a while, and there were many customs.

When the day of the Flower Dynasty comes, people go to spring and flutter butterflies, worship the flower gods, arrange flower hairpins, "appreciate the red", go out on the green, make flower cakes... The charming girls who lived in the boudoir all the year round in the old days can be in the Flower Dynasty Festival. Travel together on this day, roaming in the brilliance of spring, and enjoying the fun of the festival.

  In the Song Dynasty, the "Butterfly Party" was derived from the Huachao Festival.

In the Song Dynasty, the "Butterfly Party" was popular in the Hua Dynasty in Kaifeng, which was an interesting entertainment activity among the people at that time.

The "Chengzhai Poetry" written by the Song Dynasty contained: "Tokyo on February 12 is called the Flower Dynasty, which is the butterfly meeting."

  There is also the custom of "appreciating red" during the Flower Festival.

In ancient times, unmarried women would go out together on the flower festival, and they would cut five-color colored paper and paste them on the flowers and trees, which was called Appreciation Red.

This point can also be traced in ancient books. The article "Birthday of Hundred Flowers" in "Qing Jialu·February" of the Qing Dynasty also said: "On the twelfth day of (February), for the birthday of Hundred Flowers, the girl in the boudoir cut five-colored tapes and sticks. On the branches of flowers, it is called the appreciation of red.”

The mountains are full of blue sky

Lin Hua Xiang Riming

Spring Equinox March 20 (Lunar February 18)

  "In the middle of the second month, the division is half, and this is half of the ninety days, so it is called division." In the records of the ancient book "The Seventy-two Hours of the Moon", we can see the interpretation of the spring equinox.

Another "Spring and Autumn" said: "The vernal equinox is equal to yin and yang, so day and night are equal and cold and summer are equal." And the "spring equinox" means half, which is divided into two, day and night are equally divided, and cold and summer are balanced.

In addition, the vernal equinox also means equal division of spring. The ancients regarded the beginning of spring to the beginning of summer as spring, and the vernal equinox was in the middle of the three months of spring.

  In ancient times, people divided the vernal equinox into three phases: "First, the mysterious bird arrives; secondly, the thunder will make a sound; thirdly, the electricity will start." .

At this time, farmers are busy ploughing the fields, and spring management, spring ploughing, and spring planting are about to enter a busy stage.

  "The spring equinox is here, and the eggs are pretty."

According to ancient legends, it is easy to erect eggs on the day of the spring equinox.

So since ancient times, folks have the custom of making eggs in this Hitachi.

At present, this custom has spread to many parts of the world, and countless people will play this fun game on the day of the spring equinox.

At the same time, the Spring Equinox also has customs such as worshiping ancestors, eating spring vegetables, and sticking the mouth of a bird.

Of course, taking advantage of the spring is a good time to go out and fly kites.

Don't miss the spring, and enjoy the warmth and vitality of nature.

Cover reporter Li Yuxin