ICAN = International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, an international NGO that won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2017, and last year's Nobel Peace Prize for Russia's President Putin's order to raise deterrence to a special alert with nuclear forces in mind. Dmitry Muratoff, the editor of the award-winning Russian newspaper, jointly issued a joint statement: "With Russia's gradual expansion of the threat of nuclear weapons, we are now at the most dangerous level since the Cuban Missile Crisis. "I am under threat," he called for the withdrawal of the special alert order and the withdrawal from Ukraine.

"We warn here that the threat of nuclear weapons poses an unprecedented threat to world peace and international security, and that Putin's reckless actions and remarks are causing an imminent crisis," the statement strongly warns Russia. I blamed you.

"As Russia's gradual expansion of the threat of nuclear weapons, we are now at the dangerous level of threat since the Cuban Missile Crisis. Russia is urgently taking steps to mitigate the situation.

▽ Revocation of orders to raise the alert level of nuclear forces,

Withdrawal from

Cuba ▽ Promise not to deploy nuclear weapons in Europe at all,


▽ We demanded that the nuclear weapons we possess be abolished.

At the end of the statement, "As long as nuclear weapons exist, the threat of nuclear weapons will never go away. We entrust our destiny to some leaders and please continue to hold our breath and watch over the world so that it is not destroyed. We can't do that anymore. We must abolish this mass-destructive weapon and call on all governments to join the Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty as soon as possible. We have governments around the world peace, not war. We seek solid reason, not madness. We should act now. There is no guarantee that we will survive the next nuclear crisis. "