
Nightline invitation seat to meet the proud Korean national team who participated in the Beijing Winter Olympics.

Today (1st) is with the national team player Yoo Young, who wrote a new history in Korean figure skating.

Q. Immediately after returning home, the Winter Games…

Can you rest now?

[Swimming/figure skating national team player: Yes.

Now, as soon as the Olympics were over, I couldn't afford to come to Korea to rest, but since the Winter Games are over, I think I'll recover little by little from today and prepare for the next competition.

(I have to prepare for the next competition, right?) Yes.]

Q. 6th place at the first Olympics in your life…

How do you feel?

[Swimming/figure skating national team player: First of all, I am really honored to be able to participate in the Olympics, and now that I can achieve good results, it is also really good, and I am proud and grateful for everything.]

Q. Do you think about the Olympics a lot?

[Yooyoung/figure skating national team player: I still vividly remember the feeling of the scene after free skating and all those feelings come to mind one by one.]

Q. Tears after free skating...

What was your mind?

[Yooyoung/figure skating national team player: At that time, I feel like I was crying a little now that I finished the Olympic stage I had been waiting for so much, and I think I cried a little more because I remembered the practice process I had prepared and the faces of my family.]

Q. Were you satisfied with your score?

[Swimming/figure skating national team player: Actually, it was a little lower than expected, but it was a score, but I was really satisfied with my acting, so I laughed and talked with the coach now.]

Q. 'Triple Axel ' digestion…

How do you feel when you are successful?

[Yooyoung/figure skating national team player: I was really nervous when I just went to jump.

But now, I just landed, and I was happy at that time, but I still had to prepare for the next jump, so I think I continued the next jump so that I didn't get distracted a bit.


Q. How do you feel working with world-class players?

[Swimming/figure skating national team player: Now, I have practiced and competed on the same stage with world-class athletes now. I feel and learned a lot, so I think I will be able to comfortably participate in future competitions.]

Q. Other athletes What do you think of your technology?

[Swimming/figure skating national team player: I also really wanted to succeed in quadruple jumping, but now I see the quadruple jumping in front of my eyes, and I thought it was really cool, and I also thought that I would like to run like that in the future, so I will practice harder in the future. I think.]

Q. Growth and injury…

Were there many difficult moments?

[Yooyoung/figure skating national team player: That's right.

Now that I have suddenly passed the growing season, I have grown a lot taller, and now I have undergone changes in my body shape, and there were many difficulties, but I think I was able to come this far by believing in myself and not giving up until the end, watching the Olympics.]

Q. What does 'figure' mean to you?

[Yooyoung/figure skating national team player: At first, I started figure skating because I was really happy, but these days I am a little upset that that feeling has disappeared a bit, but as the national representative of Korea, I can work more responsibly and harder now. Looking at those points, we will move forward further.]

Q. What kind of player do you want to remain in the future?

[Swimming/figure skating national team player: First of all, I want to be good at figure skating while having more fun in the future.

And I am really grateful to everyone who has supported me, so I will repay that much and work hard to become a better player.]

(Data provided = Korea Sports Association)