In response to journalists' questions in Belgium, the Tunisian president stressed that he would not be a dictator at this age.

Quote from a response to former French President Charles de Gaulle, who left power after the French people rejected a referendum granting the provinces more decentralization in France.

Presenter Nazih Al-Ahdab commented that President de Gaulle left power after the institutions rejected his project, and did not abolish the institutions and dedicate power in his hands to pass a project, as Said did in Tunisia after he asked his heart.

On the other hand, close associates of the Ennahda movement accused President Said of “Shiism” and of being linked to the Iranian project, which was what the Tunisian thinker Abu Yarub al-Marzouki said, but the Tunisian parliament speaker and head of the Ennahda movement Rashid Ghannouchi said we do not care about the president’s doctrine and our problem with him in his coup against the constitution.

Meanwhile, the Free Constitutional Party led by Abeer Moussa did not hide its apprehension about Saeed's reliance on the thought of an Iranian Shiite philosopher when he justified his campaign against the Tunisian judiciary.

The episode also addressed the following topics:

  • Bahrain TV report deletes the king's embrace with Naftali Bennett.

  • A rare injury to an Israeli soldier with a stone is repeated once every century.

  • Israel must not test Syria's patience.. it will tire of the test.

  • Scholars in India honor student icon Muskan Khan.

  • Ibrahim Issa is in a hurry to inherit Sayed Qimni, even if he is in prison.

  • North Korean soldiers wander to salute the leader.