"Brother Leg" (formerly known as Li Jiaxu) is a ski instructor at the Northeast Asia Ski Resort in Shenyang.

The winter vacation that is about to pass is the most tiring in "Brother Leg" in the past ten years as a coach.

At the beginning of the winter vacation, the training camp was full. Under the strong request of the parents, the training camp increased the number of places, but it was still "difficult to apply for one person".

There are many children and few coaches. The "leg brother" takes the children to train during the day, and at night, he has to "hand in the homework" for the parents, and download the videos shot during the day for the parents to watch.

I often fall asleep while directing videos.

In the first "double reduction" holiday, the children were completely released on the ski resort, and they had to learn "difficult moves" as soon as they went to the ski resort. After watching the live broadcast of the Winter Olympics the night before, they let the coaches perform on-the-spot and PK the Olympic champion. .

The "leg brother" who used to like to ridicule was completely "dead" by these "divine beasts".

(Reporter Yu Ruizhai)

Responsible editor: [Li Ji]