Your health password is hidden in the twenty-four solar terms

  During the Spring Festival, the Beijing Winter Olympics opened.

The recovery of all things, the return of spring to the earth, and the unprecedented grand opening ceremony night, together with exquisite pictures, displayed in front of the world, as well as the twenty-four solar terms, the crystallization of wisdom that the Chinese nation has inherited for thousands of years.

  The twenty-four solar terms is a time knowledge system and practice formed by the Chinese people by observing the annual movement of the sun. After the formation of the Yellow River Basin, it was gradually promoted as a guide for the production and living time of the farming society.

The resulting large amount of seasonal culture and health preservation culture has gradually become an important part of the traditional culture of the Chinese nation.

Many of these traditional health-preserving wisdom still have positive guiding significance for human health in modern society.

February 19 is the second solar term rain in the twenty-four solar terms.

The reporter interviewed experts and scholars and compiled a 24 solar term health guide for everyone.

  Chunchun has a moderate degree of acidity, should be willing to move, and is suitable for an optimistic attitude.

  Lichun is the first of the twenty-four solar terms, which means the beginning of spring.

There is a folk custom of "biting spring" to eat radish.

According to Professor Chen Diping, the leader of the discipline of traditional Chinese medicine at Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, spring is the season for the rise of yang energy in the human body, so we should eat more foods with acrid and pungent properties, and radish just meets this demand.

At the same time, radish has the functions of digesting food, widening the middle and reducing the accumulation, strengthening the spleen, moistening the lungs and resolving phlegm.

  Every February 18 or 19 is the rainy solar term, which is one of the solar terms with the most cold waves throughout the year. It is prone to the phenomenon of "cold in spring".

"Sun Simiao mentioned in "Qian Jin Yao Fang" that in spring, the clothes should be 'thick at the bottom and thin at the top', and pay attention to keeping the lower body warm. Of course, whether or not to 'spring cover' also depends on the weather, and the degree of 'cover' should be based on the warmth you feel , it is better not to sweat." Chen Diping reminded.

  Before and after Jing Zhe is one of the solar terms with the fastest temperature rise in the whole year, there is a custom of eating pears in some areas of the folk.

"In fact, there is a certain scientific basis for this. In most areas of the Jingzhe solar term, the rainfall increases but is very limited, the climate is relatively dry, it is easy to dry the mouth and the tongue, and exogenous cough. The pear is cold and sweet, and has the functions of clearing away heat and nourishing yin, invigorating the throat, and moisturizing. It has the effect of relieving cough in the lungs." Chen Diping said, "At the same time, pears are rich in fruit acid, iron, vitamins, etc., which are especially suitable for consumption in this season. However, people with spleen and stomach deficiency and loose stools should not eat pears. It is recommended to cook with rock sugar, which not only prevents the food from being cold, but also benefits the stomach and lungs.”

  The vernal equinox is a period of balance between yin and yang, equal days and nights, and half and half of cold and warm throughout the year.

Chen Diping introduced that during the spring equinox, the yang energy of the human body conforms to nature and has the characteristics of rising upward and outward. Confucius said: "From time to time, do not eat." , asparagus, carrots and other spring bud foods are the most in season.

But be careful not to go too far, you also need to pay attention to balance and moderation in your diet.

  Qingming means the sky is clear and the earth is clear. When it is Qingming, the rising of yang energy begins to accelerate and advance, bringing more "life" energy to all things.

Qingming is also a traditional Chinese festival of tomb-sweeping and ancestor-worshiping. It is inevitable to be sad and over-thinking when worshiping ancestors and remembering deceased people. Chen Diping suggested that white tea, green tea (a small amount), chrysanthemum tea, and jasmine tea are good health drinks at this time, which can help to reconcile emotions. , soothes the liver and stomach.

Of course, the Qingming Festival is also an outing festival. It is also a kind of relaxation to go out on an outing and wander among the green mountains and rivers while offering sacrifices.

In some areas of Qingming Festival, it is customary to eat raw and cold food, rice cakes, and green balls.

  Grain Rain, derived from the ancient saying "Rain gives birth to a hundred grains", is the last solar term in spring.

Pollen and other particulate matter in the air during Grain Rain are higher than usual, and are most likely to trigger allergy symptoms.

Chen Diping reminded that people with allergies should choose outdoor sports when the pollen index is the lowest, such as early morning or after a shower.

As summer approaches, there are many spring rains in the south and other places. In spring, it is necessary to keep the room clean to avoid the breeding of microorganisms, and pay attention to windproof and dehumidification.

  Reasonable cooling in summer, balanced diet, exercise in the morning and evening, healthy hydration

  The beginning of summer is May 5th or 6th every year.

People are accustomed to regard the beginning of summer as an important solar term when the temperature rises significantly, the summer heat is approaching, and thunderstorms increase.

Li Qizhong, a professor at Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said that in summer, bitter foods such as bitter gourd, bitter vegetables, and green tea can be properly supplemented. Bitter foods can reduce fire and dampness, and nourish the heart and clear heat.

Modern research also shows that the alkaloids contained in bitter foods have anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects, promote blood circulation and dilate blood vessels.

  Xiaoman means that the grains of summer-ripening crops have fruited, and they have begun to fill with fullness, but they are not yet mature.

Xiaoman also heralds the arrival of a hot, humid summer.

Some people often think that after the weather turns hot, the diet should be light, blindly taking the light route, eating less or even not eating more nutritious food, but the combination of meat and vegetables, and reasonable nutrition is the correct way to maintain health.

Li Qizhong reminded that in the Xiaoman season, all things are lush, the growth is the most vigorous, and the human body's physiological activities consume the most nutrients. Therefore, timely and appropriate supplementation of nutrients can prevent damage to the internal organs.

  The awn seed is derived from the phrase "wheat with awns is harvested quickly, and rice with awns can be planted".

"Mango seed" is also called "busy seed", which indicates that farmers have started a busy field life.

At this time, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in China began to enter the rainy season, the air was very humid, the weather was very hot, various items were prone to mold, and mosquitoes began to breed.

According to Deng Cong, the director of traditional Chinese medicine at Nansha Hospital of Guangzhou First People's Hospital, some people choose to close their doors and windows to prevent moisture during the mango season, which will accelerate the reproduction of fungi, bacteria and other microorganisms, affecting the indoor environment and human health.

The correct way is to open windows frequently to keep the indoor air fresh, and air conditioners can be used to dehumidify if possible.

  The summer solstice is the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere. The surface heat is still accumulating and has not reached the strongest level. However, heatstroke prevention and cooling have been put on the agenda. Among them, drinking mung bean soup is one of the most common ways to relieve the heat in summer.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that mung bean is sweet and cool in nature, non-toxic, and has the functions of clearing away heat and detoxifying, relieving summer heat and vexation, quenching thirst and strengthening the stomach, and diuresis and swelling.

"But people with spleen and stomach deficiency or cold constitution should not use it. In addition, people who suffer from iron deficiency anemia and take iron supplements should also avoid mung beans. Because mung beans are rich in phosphorus, it is not conducive to the body's absorption of iron. ." Li Qizhong reminded.

  Xiaoshu is a solar term, and the temperature continues to rise, followed by dog ​​days.

There is a saying in the folk that "Summer training is three-fu". Li Qizhong reminded that as far as individuals are concerned, whether it is traditional health-preserving exercises or modern sports, doing what you can and aerobic exercise are the basic principles, and you must not be obsessed with "summer training". "Sanfu" and forcibly do it, so as to avoid physical exhaustion, exhaustion of Qi, and even fainting due to heat stroke.

In addition, working in a high temperature environment for a long time, exposure to the sun for too long in summer, and difficulty in dissipating heat caused by crowds can easily lead to heat stroke. Li Qizhong suggested that to prevent heat stroke, we should arrange work and rest time reasonably, take measures to prevent heatstroke when going out, and drink more cold salt boiled water and mung beans. Soup, etc., if necessary, Huoxiangzhengqi water can be taken for prevention.

  The big summer solar term is around the time of "Zhongfu", which is the hottest period of the year, and cooling has become a top priority.

Nowadays, heatstroke prevention and cooling are inseparable from air conditioners, but Li Qizhong reminded that long-term use of air conditioners can easily make the air flow in the room worse, leading to the growth of microorganisms, and the large temperature difference between indoor and outdoor can easily lead to colds.

Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to reducing the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor, change wet clothes and dry sweat in time when entering the air-conditioned room, and avoid standing in front of the air-conditioning outlet.

Of course, in summer, the room is cooled down and natural ventilation is the most ideal.

  Autumn supplements are appropriate to prevent dryness and cold, go to bed early and get up early to get out of autumn depression

  The beginning of autumn means the beginning of autumn. Although there is still the "autumn tiger", the general trend is to gradually cool down.

There are folk sayings of "posting the fat in autumn" and "supplementing tonic in the beginning of autumn".

Wu Yichun, deputy chief physician of Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said that starting autumn tonic depends on the individual's physique, and not everyone needs tonic.

Nowadays, with the improvement of living standards, most people are in a state of excess nutrition. At this time, if they eat high-calorie foods, the body will not be able to eat them.

  Every August 23rd or 24th is the end of the summer heat, and the word "place" means termination, indicating that the summer day is about to pass.

The summer season is the allergy season. As the saying goes, "autumn comes, rhinitis is noisy". Every year when summer and autumn alternate, and the temperature drops, some people will experience allergic rhinitis symptoms such as nasal itching, nasal congestion, sneezing, and runny nose.

Wu Yichun suggested that anti-allergic drugs should be standardized and systematically used to control symptoms under the guidance of physicians, and symptomatic treatment should be coordinated with traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions.

At the same time, we must pay attention to strengthen exercise, prevent cold and keep warm, and enhance immunity.

  After the white dew, the temperature began to drop, the weather turned cooler, and there was dew on the grass in the morning.

There is a saying that "don't show your body in white dew", and there is a folk saying that "spring covers autumn frost".

Regarding these two contradictory statements, Wu Yichun pointed out that autumn freezing cannot be simply understood as wearing less clothes, but should be scientifically "autumn freezing".

In the early autumn, it is good for health to freeze and freeze.

In the late autumn season, when the temperature drops, blindly insisting on "autumn freezing" will be counterproductive.

In addition, patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, chronic gastric diseases, respiratory diseases, arthritis, diabetes, elderly people with poor physical regulation function, and growing infants and young children are strictly prohibited from "autumn freezing".

  The autumnal equinox, also known as the descending equinox, is a day that is equal in length and equals autumn.

After the autumnal equinox, the dryness of the sky becomes more and more obvious, and the importance of preventing dryness continues to increase.

Wu Yichun introduced that dryness hurts people and easily hurts body fluids. When body fluids are consumed, symptoms such as dry lips, dry nose, dry throat, dry skin and even chapped occur.

To prevent autumn dryness, you can eat more foods rich in vitamins, and you can also choose some traditional Chinese medicines that nourish yin and qi.

Going to bed early and getting up early in daily life can make the body fluid and energetic.

  Cold dew, the temperature is lower, the dew is colder, everything gradually fades with the cold, plus "an autumn rain and a cold", it has become a period of high incidence of colds.

Wu Yichun reminded that traditional Chinese medicine distinguishes between colds due to wind-cold and colds due to wind-heat. Blindly taking medicines without distinguishing between the types of colds will not only fail to treat colds, but may also aggravate the condition.

For colds and colds, in the early stage of a cold, you can boil water with coriander, scallion or ginger to relieve the body and relieve the cold.

For wind-heat and common cold, Radix Isatidis or Chinese patent medicines for clearing away heat and detoxification can be used.

  Frostfall is the last solar term in autumn.

In late autumn, when the winds and rains are miserable, the grass withered and leaves fall, people tend to feel anxious when they feel the change of seasons.

According to Wu Yichun, after the fall, the pineal gland in the human brain secretes melatonin relatively more, and people's emotions are correspondingly low and negative.

Therefore, adjust your mood appropriately, go for a walk outdoors, feel the beauty of the changing seasons of nature, and drive away the autumn depression.

  Tonic properly in winter, pay attention to keep warm, exercise moderately, and keep calm

  The beginning of winter not only represents the beginning of winter, but also means to collect all things and avoid the cold.

There is a saying in the folks that "tonic in winter, fight tigers in the coming year" and "three nines and one winter, no sickness in the coming year".

According to Professor Wu Wei, director of the Department of Internal Medicine of the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, traditional Chinese medicine believes that winter is the best season for tonic, but not everyone can take supplements, and individual nourishing needs to be carried out according to the constitution.

According to the principles of traditional Chinese medicine, "deficiency is supplemented" and "cold is warmed", food that warms and supplements yang qi is used for conditioning to improve the body's cold tolerance.

Watermelon, cucumber, bitter gourd, etc. should be eaten less due to their cool nature.

  Xiaoxue is the second solar term after entering winter.

In the northern region, due to the cold outside, heavy clothes, heating indoors, the heat in the body evaporates, and drinking less water, it is easy to breed internal fire, which manifests as dry mouth and nose, oral ulcers, etc. Wu Wei suggested that you can drink some soup to relieve the body. Hot air, such as Chinese cabbage, tofu and pork soup, spinach meat soup, mutton and carrot soup, etc.

In addition, cabbage and radish are seasonal foods in winter. They are rich in vitamins and various trace elements, which are very suitable for consumption. You can also drink some light teas, such as Longjing tea, Maojian tea, jasmine tea, etc.

  Heavy snow is the solar term, and the weather starts to become colder. Strong winds, heavy snow, and sudden temperature drops will often occur. Wu Wei reminds that this is a period of high incidence of colds, respiratory, digestive, cardiovascular and other diseases, and active prevention is required.

In addition to eating raw and cold foods, eat more beef and mutton and other warm foods, but also pay attention to keep warm, especially protect the three parts of the head, chest (back), and feet to prevent the invasion of wind and cold evil.

In addition, going to bed early and getting up late and exercising properly can help improve immunity.

At this time, the soup recipe should be nourishing, such as angelica ginger mutton soup, mushroom chicken soup, etc. You can also drink some warm and stomach-warming tea, such as aged Pu'er, black tea, tangerine peel ginger tea, etc.

  The winter solstice is the shortest day and longest night of the year in the northern hemisphere.

After the winter solstice, the thirty-nine days kicked off.

According to Wu Wei, the folk proverb says: "Winter practice three-nine", and participating in winter sports can enhance physical fitness, promote blood circulation, improve cold resistance, and relieve brain fatigue.

However, the choice of sports varies from person to person. Extreme exercises such as winter swimming are suitable for people with strong physique, no cardiopulmonary diseases, and no hypertension. The general population can choose jogging, aerobics, Taijiquan, Baduanjin, and indoor equipment exercises. and so on.

  Minor cold is generally the solar term with the lowest temperature in the year. There is a folk saying in the north that "little cold is better than big cold, and it is common and not uncommon".

Wu Wei reminded that human blood vessels "contract when cold".

In winter, you will eat more high-calorie foods to keep out the cold, which are easy to induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Patients at risk of such diseases need to monitor their own blood pressure, heart rate, etc., and adjust antihypertensive drugs and other medications under the guidance of a doctor.

For middle-aged and elderly patients with cardiovascular disease, it is recommended to carry nitroglycerin tablets or aromatic Wentong Chinese patent medicine and other medicines for emergency treatment.

  The Great Cold is the last solar term of the year, and it is handed over with the beginning of spring. The signs of the earth's rejuvenation can be faintly felt, and the function of the human body's vitality will also be activated.

According to Wang Dongcai, director of the Pre-treatment Center of Shenzhen Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Dahan is slightly different from Xiaohan in terms of diet.

First of all, the amount of tonic should be gradually reduced to adapt to seasonal changes.

In the tonic, some foods with the properties of elevating and dispersing, invigorating the spleen and regulating qi should be appropriately added to prepare for the characteristics of rising hair in the spring.

  (Reporter Qin Weili)