Lee Hye-seong, a broadcaster from Seoul National University, spoke about the trial and error she suffered while focusing on her studies.

On her 14th, Hye-seong Lee posted a video on her own YouTube channel titled 'I'll be embarrassed if I can't go to Seoul National University this way - 6 things I regret so much looking back'.

In the video, Hyeseong Lee said, "I must have gone through trial and error while studying up to this point. I will tell you about the things I regret, 'Let's not study like this' and 'I don't think I'll do this when I go back'" took off

Hyeseong Lee regrets 'not buying a cell phone', 'forbidding worldly things on her own' without listening to music or watching TV, 'not dating' because she was afraid to keep in touch with friends during school days considered to be happening.

Lee Hye-seong, who mentioned 'not skipping meals', said, "I accidentally ate one meal a day when I was in school. I wasn't on a diet, I was just crazy about studying. I didn't eat breakfast originally. I took lunch and dinner I had to eat, but the time to eat was wasted. I had the extreme idea of ​​only eating one out of two meals for lunch and dinner.”

She added, "After lunch, I was very hungry until the night. I had to study until dawn, so I couldn't survive if I didn't eat dinner. There were quite a few days where I only ate breakfast, lunch and dinner."

Hyeseong Lee said, "This doesn't make sense, doesn't it make sense that the brain needs to be supplied with nutrients to be able to concentrate and have the stamina to study. Concentrated or not. My brain rotates well and my body is strong to study for a long time, but I didn't eat to save 10 minutes of eating time, ignoring everything."

As a result, Hye-seong Lee, who said, "My body is getting worse and worse," said, "I really lost up to 35 kg of weight and my back became bloated. I couldn't digest it and things like that happened. I think it was a really ignorant method. Now I really regret it. I think I would have been able to study much more efficiently if I had taken good care of it." There seems to be," he said.

Hyeseong Lee also said, "I couldn't take care of my health because of course I couldn't eat as an extension of my eating, but when I was in school, I got a migraine headache," he said.

He said he was reluctant to go to the infirmary. "While I was going to the infirmary, I couldn't go to the infirmary because I was worried that I would appear on the test while the teacher was talking. recalled.

Also, Hye-Sung Lee"

Lee Hye-seong recalled her past and said, "Even when I think about it, I think it was great and strong. At the time, I heard a lot of people saying, 'If I don't do that, I'll go to Seoul National University.' .

She continued, "If I go back to that time, I don't think I'll be this far." She concluded the video by saying, "I hope you all don't do it like this."

[Photo=Lee Hye-seong YouTube video capture]

Reporter Kang Seon-ae   

(SBS Entertainment News reporter Kang Seon-ae)