On February 11, The Paper learned that Vanke will hold its 2022 annual meeting on January 9, 2022. The theme of this annual meeting is "If you dare to fight, you will win."

  Yu Liang, Chairman of the Board of Vanke Group, mentioned in his concluding remarks that 2022 will be a year for the group to break through and fight against the odds, and it is also the beginning of a new era.

"Fight against the water" is either dead or alive, with no middle ground.

If you can solve the burdens accumulated in the past, you will have the opportunity to start a new journey. If you cannot get rid of the burdens, you will not be able to live.

  Yu Liang mentioned at the meeting that Vanke often said that the five-in-one transformation is strategy-mechanism-culture-organization-people, through which strategy, organization, and people are linked together through mechanism and culture.

 Talking about strategy: this year, the industry has entered a stage of shrinking and clearing the balance sheet

  In terms of strategy, Yu Liang mentioned that the first feature of the external environment is that the industry has entered the stage of shrinking and clearing the balance sheet.

For the real estate industry, shrinking the balance sheet and clearing it means de-financialization.

The state does not allow real estate to occupy too much financial resources, nor can it allow residents to bear a high debt burden for buying houses, because these financial resources do not effectively support the real economy.

Definancialization is an inevitable trend and a painful process.

For example, it feels good to eat sugar at the beginning, but after eating too much, it will accumulate fat, and it will be very painful when it is time to quit sugar.

  Yu Liang believes that this year is the year of the last stand, either dead or alive, with no intermediate state.

Stop fantasizing about it, you must clear it quickly and resolutely.

  Yu Liang also gave his views on the new development model of the industry mentioned at this year's Economic Work Conference.

He believes that it can be summarized as a center and three basic points.

  One of the centers is to solve the living problem of the common people.

The three basic points are housing housing rather than speculation, simultaneous renting and purchasing, and matching of people-land-housing.

In addition to the above three basic points of one center, there are two major changes.

First, market differentiation will become more and more obvious, and second, the scale of the industry will begin to shrink.

  Yu Liang believes that in the face of major changes, Vanke should also make corresponding changes.

For example, investment needs to be further considered, in the face of shrinking market differentiation and very limited profits.

Vanke needs higher-quality investment. It needs to shift from uniform and decentralized investment in the past to intensive investment in places with better market performance and proven team management capabilities.

 Talking about organization: The industry has entered the era of black iron and got rid of the inertia of the golden age

  In terms of organization, Yu Liang mentioned that Vanke's organization is facing more intense competition after the market shrinks. Everyone wants to survive and will go all out. To win, Vanke first thinks about how to build a game of chess.

He believes that it is no longer necessary to build multiple product lines in each region and each company to establish a separate investment and development team. The investment and development and product teams have to build a game of chess. In the face of fierce competition, Vanke does not have so many resources and energy to disperse efforts.

  Second, consider how the traditional development business is shrinking and the organization faces a shrinking business scale.

  Third, as the industry has entered the era of black iron, everyone's income will definitely be greatly reduced this year. Vanke's organization must also establish a new anchor point, and benefits and subsidies must be adapted to the era of black iron.

We came from the golden age. Today, we must establish a new anchor point at this point in time before setting off. Otherwise, we cannot get rid of the inertia of the golden age.

  Fourth, in the face of an industry that is already about 10% meager profit, Vanke needs to reengineer its process. In the past, it was not feasible to subcontract layer by layer.

  Talking about Culture: Frugality, Wartime Atmosphere

  In terms of culture, Vanke emphasizes eight words, which are "frugal food, wartime atmosphere".

  First of all, Yu Liang said that Vanke was working against the backdrop of a last-ditch battle. All work revolved around fighting, focusing on the three main tasks of stabilizing and improving, shrinking the table, and "growing muscles", and any work that had nothing to do with it could be put away. Once released, put it in a secondary position.

All Vanke resources, including organizational resources, capital resources and human resources, must be allocated to these three tasks.

  Secondly, if Vanke wants to improve its performance, it can only judge heroes based on winning or losing, and can only select cadres from the winning teams.

  Third, all managers must sink and take the lead.

Now the group has cancelled the level of the original group partners, and all the original group partners have all sunk to their units.

If the general manager does not go to the project site, does not personally understand the situation, and only sits in the office, it will definitely be unqualified.

  Fourth, there must be strict discipline in terms of culture.

In the face of big battles and bad battles, even if you have the best weapons, you can't win battles with lax discipline.

Strict discipline is not just a matter of prohibition, including investment discipline and various bottom-line disciplines must be firmly adhered to.

  Fifth, save money, reduce waste, and create a wartime atmosphere of frugality.

  Yu Liang concluded at the annual meeting that the theme of this year's annual meeting is "dare to fight and you will win", "dare to fight" still has a chance to win, but "dare to fight" will definitely result in failure.

The most important question is whether it can play particularly well.

To win this battle and to win the next spring, we can only demand ourselves to be "extremely good".

This requires Vanke to be a professional master, an all-around champion, and a long-distance runner.

Don't compare yourself with the past, and don't compare with your brothers, but compare with industry benchmarks.

  Yu Liang said that equal emphasis on development, operation and service is also Vanke's new triathlon.

Only by being an all-around champion can you make money. In the past, it was impossible to make money by doing individual events separately.

  As of press time, Vanke has not responded.