Europe 1 12:38 p.m., February 13, 2022

Every Sunday in the Sunday Table, Laurent Mariotte, his columnists and his guests give us their best recipes.

For 4 people or 12 servings

Ingredients :

For the onion compote: 

1.2 kg white or yellow onions

Olive oil

Garlic, thyme

Salt pepper 

Peel and chop the onions.

In a large hot skillet, add the olive oil.

Then, leave the onions to confit for 3 hours.

Drain then leave to cool.

To book.

For the dough:


65g water

65g T55 flour

10 g baker's yeast 

In a large container, mix the sourdough with the water, flour and baker's yeast.

Bake at 50 degrees for 20 minutes.

Once the sourdough is pushed, add the second part of the weights:

185g flour

65g water

7g salt

2 cl olive oil 

To mix everything.

Spread the dough on a small rimmed baking sheet that has been oiled beforehand.

Cover the dough with a nice layer of onion compote and bake in the oven at 50 degrees for 1 hour.

Then, bake the plate at 180 degrees for 15 to 20 minutes.

Cut the pissaladière into a 2.5 x 2.5 cm cube.

Add a pitted olive (from Nice or taggiasche) as well as an anchovy and a leaf of basil or marjoram.