“The pressure is growing slightly, the maximum pressure will be from Tuesday to Wednesday and then by Saturday it will begin to fall again, so on the night of Monday to Tuesday, on Tuesday and on the night of Wednesday there will be partly cloudy, sunny in the daytime,” the expert said.

According to the forecaster, a warm front will approach by Friday, plus temperature is expected on the night from Thursday to Friday - +1 ... + 6 ° С, and on Saturday night - 0 ... + 5 ° С.

“In the afternoon today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, 0 ... +2 ° С, on Wednesday the spread is larger - -2 ... +3 ° С, on Thursday 0 ... +5 ° С, on Friday in the afternoon it is preliminary +2 .. .+7 °С, on Saturday 0...+5 °С.

On Thursday, Friday and Saturday we will have very warm days, ”Tsygankov explained.

According to the specialist, precipitation in the form of snow and increased wind are expected on the night from Wednesday to Thursday and on the night of Friday.

Light precipitation is possible on Friday and Saturday, the RT interlocutor added.

Earlier, forecaster Vilfand predicted anomalous heat in European Russia on February 14.