The Beijing Winter Olympics are being held in full swing. The staff of Shouhang Hi-Tech Dunhuang 100 MW molten salt tower CSP station located in Dunhuang City, Gansu Province, mobilized more than 12,000 heliostats in an 8-square-kilometer mirror field and assembled them out of Beijing. The Winter Olympics emblem "Winter Dream" and "BEIJING2022" texts and huge patterns such as the Olympic five-ring logo, as well as themed slogans such as "Together to the Future", "Green Winter Olympics" and "Congratulations to the New Year", among which the Olympic five-ring logo pattern is as wide as 2555 meters.

These huge patterns and texts gleam in the sunlight and are spectacular.

The picture shows the Olympic pattern spelled out by more than 10,000 heliostats.

Photo by Guo Junqiang

Release time: 2022-02-12 15:39:58 【Editor: Tian Bochuan】