1. A stranger but famous person

This person is famous but strangely unfamiliar.

Because he is a person who made his name known to the world in a way that is different from others.

Although he is a writer, he has not officially taken the stage, and he has not become famous through broadcasting, nor has he uploaded a hymn on YouTube.

The publisher of <Daily Seul-ah> and the publisher's representative.

He has written nine books so far and has sold over 100,000 copies, making him a best-selling author.

Since the album is due to be released soon, it will not be long before they will hear that she is a singer, and there are rumors that companies who want to use this person as a model are lining up.

He also serves as the chairman of the congressional sponsorship, so he might be able to dive deeper into politics.

I am 30 years old this year, and no matter what I do in the future, it will not be strange at all.

He said that he was a person on the outskirts of the 2030 generation, but looking at this person, he asked this person to meet with the hope that he might be able to get a glimpse of the thoughts of young people these days.

In the process of recruiting for an interview for the first time, this person first checked whether there was an interview fee.

He was a little embarrassed, but that attitude was also refreshing.

"I don't know why it's rude to talk about money. I think it's a great respect to talk about money first. I think it's an equal promise to tell you when you're going to give money and how much it's going to cost you, just like you write a filing deadline. Of course. Some of you must have hated me like this. You must have thought that I was revealing money. But it is not a misunderstanding because I am actually revealing money.”

Until just a few years ago, this person was an aspiring writer and a writing teacher.

He was working as a journalist and a cartoonist for a magazine, but he had to worry about his living expenses and was always tight on the monthly rent deposit.

The reason why I posed in front of people who paint, and why I continued the march for five years, taking the first car a week to Yeosu and returning to Seoul by the last train, was all in order to make money.

By the time I graduated from college, most of my grades were C and D, and I didn't have much interest in the journalism major, but I couldn't afford to focus on my studies to earn money.

The time to repay the student loan of more than 20 million won was approaching, but the road to repay was difficult.

He started with the idea that he should earn even a penny more.

There were no careers on the stage, no works to be counted on, no famous celebrities, no academic achievements to be proud of.

He had nothing to offer, but this man was desperate, and that desperation led to courage.

Flyers were distributed around the neighborhood where he lived, saying that if he paid 10,000 won a month, he would send five articles a week, a total of 20 articles by e-mail.

Was it because of the courage of this person or the power of an innovative distribution method? I thought that even 50 people would be a success.

He did not give any hints as to the number of subscribers, whether it was a few hundred, a few thousand, or a tens of thousands.

He said the number of subscribers was steadily increasing.

<Daily Lee Seul-ah>, which has been in service for 5 years, is operating under the concept of a season system.

One season lasts for a month, and two or three seasons are run a year.

Writing 20 pages of 200-character manuscript paper consistently every day is the material of the writing, but it is difficult to handle unless you have a decent writing muscle.

He writes about himself, his friends and family, the stories of books he read, and sometimes in the form of letters and also in the form of interviews.

Even on days when it is difficult to write even a single line, he said that it is the power of money to write something and send an e-mail to the readers by the deadline at 12 pm

"It's hard every day, but I get money in advance. That's why it's important, but basically, I think I have the stamina that I use.


What does it mean

to be stubborn about perfection ?

"Every day isn't always smooth. There are days when I feel exceptionally hard, there are days when I get sick, and there are days when I have an illness at home… Even on those days, I just write something and finish it."

There are people who are thirsty waiting for this person's writing, and there are not a few people who get strength to survive the day by reading this person's writing in the morning.

Of course, the re-subscription rate is also high.

I was wondering what kind of charm you think your writing has.

"I'm always curious about which of the things I have that makes people pay. People who

read my articles first seem to think, 'He's working hard too', and I think there's also the pleasure of sending warm messages every day.

I think the tone of my writing is healthy and cheerful. There are


stories, painful stories, and sad stories in my writing

, but I think it has a very sunny feeling overall.

I think it will give you strength."

Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays I write about 20 pages of 200-character manuscript paper every day and send it to my readers.

He describes himself as a serial worker who works five days a week and takes two days off on weekends.

These writings were grouped together and published in nine volumes.

Books like <Seul-ah Lee Essays> and <Exercise Mind and Body> are the result of such work, and these books became bestsellers.

In 2018, he founded the Sueem Publishing House, where he publishes most of the books he has written.

It started out as a one-man publishing house, but now has three employees, employing her mother and father as full-time employees.

Just a few years ago, he struggled to raise a monthly rent deposit of several million won, but this man's office and house, introduced on a TV show, was almost like a mansion, even though it was a charter. could be estimated to some extent from the size of the house.

As his name became known, he appeared on TV shows and frequently interviewed the media.

There are many people who visit, so there are not many lecture schedules.

Now that he has risen to the ranks of celebrities, he has signed a contract with a celebrity management company to which Jang Ki-ha and Hyuk-oh belong, and is preparing an album with his younger brother, who is a singer.

*There used to be a space used as an office and home in Paju, Gyeonggi-do, but I moved to Jeongneung last summer.

2. People who made Isulah

He spent his childhood in a large family of 3 to 11 people.

He grew up being favored by his grandfather, who reigned supreme in his family.

At the time, he said that things like the love he received and some kind of pride were important elements of what made him.

Records of his childhood do not appear in many of this person's writings, but they seem to have had a great influence.

The word “family” gives a warm reverberation, but when one layer of any house is removed, the emptiness is revealed.

Although there may be some processing and distortion, this expression will not be much different from the actual appearance of this person's family.

"The family ate only talking about unimportant things. If anyone started saying anything they really wanted to say, this family would be destroyed. It will end with a ceremony. Because we have been living by hurting each other for the past years. The same is true of my grandfather who is turning 80 today. But today is a day to celebrate his life. As everyone turned away from the truth little by little, the meal went smoothly. ."

<2019 Seul-ah Lee Prose Collection- In training>

He once thought that he wanted to write a novel with his parents' job change.

His father had several jobs: an industrial diver working under water, a laborer, and a truck driver.

His mother also did various jobs.

There are people who worked hard but did not become rich, and this person's parents were such people.

"But the two of them changed jobs more than 15 times in their lives, but they were blue-collar workers all the time… Whether they were in production or in Nogada, they were blue-collar anyway. My dad was a trucker."

This person's life is not arranged in a chronological order.

When you were born, where did you go to school, what did you major in college, and what did you do after that…

It is not arranged in such a linear fashion.

He doesn't seem to want his life to be organized that way.

In certain times, certain relationships are boldly omitted and erased.

It feels like the life of a 30-year-old exists in parallel and multifaceted according to the characters and events.

This may be due to the influence of his writings that describe his life in various layers, which is why this short-lived life does not feel monotonous.

I went to an alternative school where I completed my middle and high school course in 5 years.

The alternative school days are detailed, but there is hardly any story about the process of entering college or college days.

He never asks the people who appear in his writings what school they went to or what background they came from.

Since I didn't ask, it felt like he was asking me not to ask that as well.

- In your writing, there are very few questions about your age, school, or background in your writing.

"Now that I think about it, I realize now that I hadn't mentioned school to anyone I met. School can be a basic piece of information when it comes to understanding someone. I don't think I've ever thought about it. I think… When I meet people, I don’t really think about school, education, occupation, or age.”

It feels like a cool line is drawn rather than being 'tacky' with the people closest to him.

In this person's writing, Mom and Dad are always called Bok-hee and Woong.

It is true that father and mother had the greatest influence, but that does not mean that their lives are inevitably intertwined with their own lives.

An elementary school teacher who wrote longer impressions and reviews in his diary than in a diary, a teacher who is no longer in this world who tried to break his boredom, obscurity, and blockage during his alternative school days, taught writing from his late teens to early 20s Jun teacher.

These teachers raised this person to be a writer, and it still doesn't seem like he's completely out of their shadows.

Nevertheless, he does not say that he wants to be like these teachers.

Dewseulah thinks that Dewseulah is enough.

3. Poverty, Anger, and Resistance

When I first started living alone when I was 19, I got a room with a deposit of 5 million won and a monthly rent of 400,000 won.

She decided to split the deposit in half with the friend she had agreed to live with, but it was difficult to raise her 2.5 million won deposit.

Her parents couldn't afford to help, so she reached out to her relatives and acquaintances.

He was poor, but it is difficult to find an expression of poverty in this man's words and writings.

He said that the word poverty should be used by someone other than himself.

"I don't think I actually felt poor. The family was harmonious and I wasn't an unhappy family. There were many times when I was financially difficult, but my parents supported me both financially and physically when I wanted to do something. I didn't feel that the road was blocked because of money. . I didn't want to say poor because there are actually a lot of poorer young people."

He tells the stories he had to go through because he was poor, but it doesn't feel awkward.

That's not to say I'm not talking about candy-like positive narratives like 'I don't cry even when I'm lonely or sad'.

Even when talking about frustration and defeat, there is not much anger.

No, there are very few stories of setbacks and defeats.

You may think that such things are not worth mentioning because they are not special to your generation and are the default values ​​given.

Instead of talking about frustration and defeat, he said many times that he was lucky.

Compared to most young people who can't reach the edge of success no matter how hard they try, they are lucky enough to achieve what they are today.

Young people these days are often portrayed as angry and distorted by anger, but this person is far from that kind of face.

"I don't think I'm on this side because I heat up my anger and fight head-on. In that sense, I don't think it's very revolutionary, and I don't have much anger energy in the first place. ."

When I asked him when he was most angry and who he hated, he immediately said that he couldn't remember anything.

I am not a person who works with energy to hate anyone.

It's hard to see people who have a different opinion than themselves, raising their double mindedness and showing enthusiasm.

I think hating is also an ability, but I don’t seem

to have the ability to hate. I don't think a lot of people do."

A person who has crossed the river of namelessness by laying a stone bridge on his own.

He does not depend on others and does not say sorry.

He said he didn't apologize if he wasn't sorry and didn't laugh if he wasn't funny. He was a person who talked about the courage to be hated and the courage to turn down promises.

Rather than reacting, try to accept it.

Rather than saying 'it's not', it's like saying 'it could be so'.

You may have learned that fighting alone is not a good thing to get out of your parents' arms early on, and that sometimes circumventing is the quickest way to go.

It's not a fighting rooster, but it's not even a purebred.

The world didn't give you a chance, so you created it yourself.

I wonder where there could be a stronger resistance than this.

This person's writing has a 'bright energy', but there is a subtle edge and twist between the writing and the writing, and this person's own stubbornness is felt.

The writings of this person, with a strong sense of minority, are not compliant.

No matter what others say, I have a firm attitude that I will speak my mind.

4. Is this person an individualist?

He concentrates on training his body and is sensitive to what he eats.

He has been a vegetarian for 4 years.

His own story, the stories of the people around him, and the love, friendship, and conflict between them are the staple subjects of his writing, and almost all of his stories are drawn, unfolded, and expanded like concentric circles around this person.

Seul-ah Lee is at the center of everything.

-I feel that my personal values ​​and the preciousness of myself take precedence over other values.

In that sense, do you agree with the expression of an individualist?

It was an expression of disagreement.

He may have disliked the rather negative connotation of the word individualism.

He said that because his life is precious, the community in which he lives is also precious.

"Actually, I think I have a very large community priority. Vegetarianism is a climate issue and animal rights issue. If we keep eating the way we eat, this community will get worse faster. What should the country do to slow it down? Let's not do it, I felt that this was actually a politically correct decision. Veganism is not about eating vegetables to be good for my body alone... So, because I care about myself, I have no choice but to save the community."

She served as the sponsorship chairman at the request of Jang Hye-young, who was elected to the National Assembly in 2020.

She wanted to help Jang Hye-young actively because she had experience working with her before she entered the National Assembly and she knew well why Jang Hye-young turned into a politician.

"No matter how well (Rep. Jang Hye-young) does as a creator, there is a life that never gets better unless the law changes. Especially the life of the disabled. I could understand.. You walk into the battlefield to change something that doesn’t change no matter how much you ask for it… So after being elected, when I asked you to take over as the sponsorship president, I said I would do it right away.”

I don't have a lot of money and I don't have a lot of connections.

As the sponsorship president is in the role of raising money, it does not seem like a job that a person can do well, but he does not regret taking on the position.

It is to give meaning to helping a like-minded politician and realizing one's own values ​​through that politician.

Seeing Hyeyoung Jang, who asked this almost unknown writer for a sponsorship chairman, and this person who accepted the request without hesitation, I thought that the bottom of Yeouido's politics was changing like this.

"It might be rude to ask Seul-ah Lee to serve as the sponsorship chair since the most successful people take it for granted that politics is something that has nothing to do with me. I thought it would be nice to be able to connect with politics through the show, so I had the courage to make a request. I thought I would give it a little thought and contact you, but I was like, ‘I’ll do it. You know I don’t have that money? But what can I do?’”

Hye-Young Jang/ Hye-Young Jang, a member of the Justice Party

, said she felt like she had met the same tribe when she met this person who shared the value of pluralism.

It is said that she felt deeply connected in that she tells the story of the world from the perspective of various subjects and puts it into practice in her life, rather than stopping there.

-I think that the views of people like me, who have the sentiments of the 386 generation, and the perspectives of the generation that writer Lee Seul-ah belongs to will be quite different...

“Of course it is. But even within the same generation, for example, even if you were born in the 90s, the same age as me, it would be very different depending on class or region, and I don’t think it would be necessarily narrower than the distance between me and an adult in the 386 age.”

We asked what they thought about the conflict between genders within the 2030 generation.

“Feminism is a topic that everyone should study because it is an important issue for men and women, and for people who are neither men nor women.

During the conversation, I used to ask questions in various places and confirm the intention of the question.

The position of the person asking the question and the person answering the question often changed.

I tried to listen carefully to the intentions of the speaker, not to mention paying attention to the story.

Hyeyoung Jang cited her empathy ability as this person's strength.

It is said that she is a person who is prepared to listen carefully to what others have to say.

She has never described herself as a schoolboy at an alternative school.

At first, she focused on the word “alternative school”, but as she heard the story, she wondered if she should focus on the word “she is a schoolboy”.

5. Analog Human

Even before entering elementary school, I played with the desktop computer my father bought.

He was faster at typing than writing.

I am a completely digital generation who kept my diary on a desktop computer when I was in elementary school, and I like reading and writing, which is the epitome of analog, and I made money and made my name known to the world.

Writing, which started as a diary, became a hobby and a specialty, and I continued to attend writing classes until my early 20s.

"Actually, the fact that I am sending an email by email is very old-fashioned. Writing is basically a free and easy-to-follow genre that I can push myself forward. Above all, it is a genre that does not need to flatter capital, so I think I am doing it until now. "

After entering college, she worked part-time as a writing teacher for over five years.

She learned writing education from the basics and has been teaching the basics of writing for a long time, so she knows the basics that writing should have.

The stamina for this person's writing would have been nurtured in this process.

I went to Yeosu once a week to teach writing to elementary, middle, and high school students.

It was going to take the train at 7 in the morning and return to Seoul after midnight on the last train.

I've been doing that for over 5 years.

He was doing it to make money, but it was a forced march that he couldn't do if he didn't like the job itself.

“I got about 20,000 won per student per class. After 4 weeks, I paid 80,000 won. Of course, I didn’t go to teach one person, but several students. Teaching was fun, but it uses a lot of energy, so I felt like I was completely discharged when I visited Yeosu.”

He is a person who learns the world through books.

It is a habit to like books and read books, but there is such a thing as compulsion to read a lot.

"Reading books is hard for me too. In the age of smartphones, it's very difficult to read a book seriously. It's a style to keep books everywhere in the house and just read them anywhere. But even now, to become a good writer, you have to read a lot more. I think it is. There are so many things I don't know."

He said that he learns a lot from books, but learns more by meeting people.

He likes to meet people and talk to them, and he is good at organizing them into one article.

No, it's excellent.

The interview with this person, which started from the idea that there are many people who are doing important things around them but are not noticed, is warm, meticulous, and eloquent.

If I had to give one of the best interviews I've ever read, it was written by this person about an emergency room cleaning worker at Ewha Womans University Mokdong Hospital.

I see doctors, nurses, patients, caregivers, and even the people who clean the place.

This person's gaze is wider and deeper than the other person's.

“You go through the worst moments that a person can experience in a hospital emergency room. But there, I remember how sick I was and how much the love I loved was hurting, and I remember all the patients and doctors who were next to me. In fact, the emergency room is a rolling system because someone cleaned it very hard. There is a time when the emergency room went up in the beginning of the Corona era. I heard it."

I was going to write a novel, so I worked hard at creative classes for media companies.

Now I think it's okay if it's not a novel.

As long as it reads well and is thoughtful, it doesn't matter what format it is.

The article that he can write best is the article he is currently serializing in <Daily Lee Seul-ah>, and it means that he will work hard to do better.

I think the day will come sooner when we see a sitcom written by this person before that.

The 2022 season of <Daily Dewseulah> starts on February 14th, and I plan to decorate it with a series of housemaids.

"Our family used to be a patriarchal family, so that men and women do not even feel sick, but now I am living with my mother and father as employees of a publishing company to work together. I plan to publish a series of articles observing what happens in a house where the parents have financial sovereignty, give work to the parents, and the daughter is in control of the family events. I hope that the Little Maiden series will be made into a TV sitcom in the future."

It is true that he has written candidly and daringly about sex a few times, but he does not hide his discomfort with those who only see him in that way.

He said that the advertisement offer he received the most was an advertisement for the contraceptive pill.

All such offers were rejected.

"I wrote some sexual scenes to tell the story of a love affair, and when you look at the whole article, it has very little weight, but I feel that I have received more evaluations than necessary to write a sexual story freely. I can write it like that because I am comfortable with sex. I think we can talk about other things... Actually, just talking about sexuality is boring. There are many other problems in life..."

He became a model for a successful full-time writer, but the reward for this person is too small for the effort he puts in.

Isn't it a world where there are a lot of people who say they made hundreds of millions or billions of dollars from real estate and coins and stock investments, and they call them by the name of someone else's dog?

In a world like this, the pay for this person's hard work is really low.

Five hundred won per article.

What things can you buy with 500 won these days?

In a world where a single piece of gum costs 1,000, this person's writing is not worth even a single piece of gum.

Besides, the value of this person's writing remains the same for 5 years.

6. The world this person wants to create

The icon of the MZ generation and the hipsters who lead the trend are sometimes heard.

He does not seem to be exaggerated in the opinion that he is a person at the forefront of a generation, but he said that he was a person in the frontier among the frontiers.

It's a thing like fashion, you don't know it well and you can't keep up with it.

- A person named Seul-Ah Lee may be a much more liberal, rough-grained, provocative and subversive person, but I don't know if I'm just looking at her too kindly and kindly.

"Everyone has many faces. Actually, it's impossible to cover all of them even in a long interview. So, I hope that the teacher will include the faces you want to include. Asking a question like this makes me think of myself as a beautiful, well-behaved young man. I believe you don't."

<Daily Lee Seul-ah> provides an opportunity to publish articles to fellow writers who have talent but have not yet met luck.

For such writers, we provide an access road to the readers and introduce them carefully.

The manuscript fee must be paid in advance.

- Did a person named Seul-ah Lee gain strength?

"It's still weak, but it's good to use this little power well."

-Then what kind of world would you like to create with your own strength?

"First of all, I want to work happily and happily, and I want people I can look out for as well. I hope I have enough to share without being stingy. Having a lot of that isn't necessarily a matter of wealth. It’s also the arms of my heart…I want to work while exchanging a lot of good things.

To a person who still has a long way to go, it seems inappropriate to say that it is a success or a failure.

Encouragement and praise are worthy of praise, but excessive praise will not necessarily help this person.

He is now a person who has taken the first step and is standing at the beginning of a long journey.

Greater success awaits this person in the future, but it may not be.

What is clear is that this person is a person full of ambition to fill the world with a better story, and that he has already passed the supporting role and took the lead role.

* The full video of the interview with Seul-ah Lee will be released for the first time on the SBS News YouTube channel at 8 pm on the 12th.