Meet you丨Super cool sanitation uncle Yang Junshan: It's not me who is handsome, it's my profession

  The uncle with long flowing hair and beard on the big screen is called Yang Junshan, 63 years old this year, a sanitation worker in Shenyang, Liaoning Province.

Uncle Yang's handsome appearance, unique shape, and work clothes of sanitation workers have attracted the attention of many netizens.

  While everyone praised Uncle Yang, they were also curious, is he really a sanitation worker?

When I meet you today, we will walk into the story of Yang Junshan together.

  63-year-old Yang Junshan brings cleaning tools every day and arrives at the working section on time. Against the background of the green tile and red walls of the Shenyang Forbidden City, he has a tough silhouette and unique shape that attracts the attention of many people.

  Sanitation worker Yang Junshan: Some people say that you don't look like a sanitation worker. I said what kind of image is a sanitation worker. He said that you are not an artist in this style. I mean an artist, just a broom sweeper.

  In the cold weather of minus 20 degrees Celsius, Yang Junshan was swiftly busy with the work at hand. Since the day he picked up the broom three years ago, he has not taken a leave of absence.

  Song Guiju, Yang Junshan's colleague: I didn't think he was able (time) here for a long time. I thought he was just here to play (sanitation post), but I didn't expect him to be so capable.

  Yang Junshan's sanitation team has more than 200 workers and is responsible for cleaning an area of ​​more than 860,000 square meters. Every time it rains and snows, he and his fellow workers have to get off work in the morning and leave work at night. meal.

  Yang Junshan's wife Liu Yabin: I bought him (oatmeal), and I made some for him every day to increase the heat. It was too cold to leave too early; I bought him some more cakes and put a bite. I didn't support him before (sanitation) .

This time I experienced it myself, (work) is not high or low, when everyone is sleeping, they get up to serve the big guy.

  Sanitation worker Yang Junshan: The sanitation industry is a great industry. Without a large number of sanitation workers, it is impossible for any city (all) to be clean and beautiful. It is impossible.

  (Headquarters reporter Li Jiangnan, Qi Lili, Ma Chang, Ma Rongda and Jin Guangyu)