Society is usually the first to disappoint those with great political visions and a program of change, or rather, those who dream of a so-called utopia.

With regard to the left revolution, disappointments have been repeated several times throughout history, each time causing serious shocks.

And since the society for which they are fighting - according to their belief - does not support them even in the most important moments, it is natural for them to accuse it of being "immature", "backward" or "ignorant".

In the past, beautification of the reality to which society, the people or the nation is subject, created dangerous ideological illusions, because this narrow perspective leads to the stereotyping of society in its various forms, people and ideologies within a certain framework, without regard to all its dynamism, diversity and pluralism.

But are leftists alone who do this?

In fact, anyone can fall into this mistake, whether he is a conservative or an Islamist, by linking his personal vision and his political feelings to society without contemplating the great difference that exists between the spectra of this society.

Society is on a degree of secularism, but not to the extent that some want or fear others, and the percentage of atheism is increasing, but not to the extent expected.

Over time, and not paying attention to what society is and its nature, the political competition can turn into a race in which the politician assumes that even neutral people support him, to enter the race to "conquer the community" with all faith that he is his true representative.

In each speech, he gives himself the power to speak on behalf of the community.

This method is widely adopted in political competition.

After all, all politicians are in a frantic race to gain the most advantages at the lowest possible cost, but the problem is getting out of this political maneuver and not over-belief in it.

Indeed, politicians need a lot more to understand a society that at one moment is your cause, stands by you, is at your service at the most important times, such as elections or political disagreements, and at another moment is distancing itself from you against your expectations.

This is the nature of society, which is very volatile, and in order to be well understood, all political parties must first of all realize that society is not subject to anyone’s responsibility, and that practicing politics on its origins requires an interpretive effort and a serious social outlook.

These days, interesting standard studies on Turkish society are published, and they provide important information about the trajectory of Turkish society, such as the research data recently released by Koç University Professor Ali Carkoglu.

In his report entitled "We do not change", the numbers clearly show that society has not really witnessed a great development, and that the change it has achieved may not live up to the social expectations of the various political parties.

Society is on a degree of secularism, but not to the extent that some want or fear others, and the percentage of atheism is increasing, but not to the extent expected.

For example, the percentage of those who said “I know that God really exists and I do not doubt that” decreased in 2019 to 85.2%, down from 93.1% in 2008. And a decrease of 8% in the number of believers in the existence of God is not a simple matter. It shows how much society has changed.

What is interesting - contrary to what this data shows - is that the statistics indicate that the percentage of young people's commitment to worship is higher than the percentage recorded by their parents.

According to statistics, young people are more persevering in the practice of worship that is held two or three times a month, and several times a week, by 79%, followed by mothers by 64% and fathers by 71%.

This research was conducted based on a comparison between countries with a Christian majority and countries with a Muslim majority, such as Tunisia and Israel, and it was found that the Turkish society is among the most religious societies.

The results of the Religion, Society, and Politics around the world and Turkey research findings released on December 25, 2021 clearly show this difference.

Research recently published by the popular public opinion research firm Konda, which compared the results of two separate studies, one conducted in 2011 and the other in 2021, reveals just how much Turkish society has changed in a decade.

10 years ago, the number of atheists was around 2% and now has increased to 7%. In contrast, the percentage of people keeping their prayers increased from 42% in 2008 to 44% in 2021, while the percentage of people who never prayed increased from 17% to 24% over the same period.

All of this data shows that society is moving towards secularism, and the consequences of this need to be considered.

Since the release of these research data in 2008 to this day, Turkey has gone through a very dangerous urbanization process.

Urbanization refers not only to the movement of people from the countryside to the city, but also the change in their lifestyle and their acquisition of urban values.

The proportion of people living in families of one or two people increased from 15% in 2011 to 22% within 10 years;

While the proportion of families comprising between 3 and 5 members did not change, while the proportion of families comprising between 6 and 8 members decreased from 16% to 11%;

The percentage of families consisting of 9 members or more also decreased from 3% to 1%.

This indicates the trend towards reducing the family core and increasing support for individual life, with an ideological environment compatible with this tendency.

The university enrollment rate has increased from 10% to 20%, and currently about 10% of the population is university students, and this number is expected to rise.

It is well known that college students have lifestyles especially that the campus culture is an incubator of unique ideologies.

The data on the type of houses in which individuals live shows that the number of people living in apartments and residential complexes has increased by nearly 50%, which means more disintegration of the social fabric and isolation, given that life in this environment is different from the popular neighborhood.

How these social changes affect people's lifestyle and religious beliefs echoes in religious books and sociology books, so let's not ignore it.

All these major changes in the societal structure and its basics that have lasted for decades may lead to a significant deterioration in human values ​​such as cooperation, compassion, solidarity and other social and human values, and gradually impose the logic of the machine itself on society, then the human consideration will decrease, and this may in turn lead to an increase in conflict Violence and the increase in social problems, all of which must be addressed early and not ignored, before it is too late.