(New Year's news) The "Tiger" Jiangxi Tiger has a strong "taste" in the Year of the Tiger

  Chinanews.com, Nanchang, February 5th: "Tiger" Jiangxi tiger "taste" strong in the year of the tiger

  Reporter Liu Zhankun Li Yunhan

  Touring Longhu Mountain, watching tiger-shaped enclosures, watching South China tigers, and appreciating bronze tigers... During the Spring Festival of the Year of the Tiger in the Chinese lunar calendar, the "tiger" element in Jiangxi's cultural tourism market is very popular, and the "taste" of tiger is full.

During the Spring Festival of the Year of the Tiger, the Longhu Mountain Scenic Spot in Jiangxi Province, "the birthplace of Taoism in China", is crowded with tourists watching folk performances.

Photo by Shu Peng

 New Year's Tour of Longhu Mountain: Free tickets for the zodiac Tiger tourists all year round

  On the first day of the Spring Festival of the Year of the Tiger, Jiangxi Longhu Mountain Scenic Area, the "birthplace of Taoism in China" with its unique Danxia landform and profound Taoist cultural heritage, was crowded with people. "The staff took the red envelope.

On that day, the scenic spot received nearly 30,000 tourists.

  "This year is the Year of the Tiger, and I am also very interested in Taoist culture. I just wanted to bring the whole family to Longhu Mountain to experience the 'Dragon and Tiger Spirit'. It can be considered a good sustenance." During the Spring Festival holiday, tourists from Nanchang Wang Feng said that it happened that his zodiac sign was "tiger", and it also happened that during the Spring Festival of Longhu Mountain, tickets were free for tourists from all over the country.

  The reporter learned that the scenic spot is also free of tickets for tourists whose zodiac sign is the tiger.

From February 1st to December 31st, 2022, tourists with the national zodiac tiger can enjoy the preferential policy of free scenic spot resource tickets (excluding commercial sightseeing tickets and bamboo raft tickets) with their valid ID documents.

In front of the "Tiger-Shaped Enclosure" in Dingnan County in southern Jiangxi Province, a lively lion folk performance is celebrating the Chinese New Year of the Tiger.

Photo by Li Sui

Appreciating Folk Customs in the Shape of a Tiger

  In front of the "Tiger Shaped Encirclement" in Dingnan County in southern Jiangxi Province, a lively lion folk performance is celebrating the arrival of the Chinese Lunar New Year.

In the sound of gongs and drums, the lions co-ordinated the rhythm, every move and style, with a mighty and lifelike expression, soaring, fluttering, dodging, moving, agile and brave, shaking their heads and waving their tails, and rolling with their heads held high, very interesting.

In front of the "Tiger-Shaped Encirclement" in Dingnan County, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province, the lions co-composed the beat, each move and style, with a mighty and lifelike expression.

Photo by Zhan Jicheng

  As one of the outstanding representatives of Hakka enclosures in southern Gansu, the "Tiger-shaped Enclosure" was built in 1786 and has a history of more than 200 years.

The enclosure is square outside, with a front width of 40 meters and a depth of 33 meters. It sits from the northwest to the southeast and is backed by a tiger-shaped dragon veined green hill.


作为中国南方地区最大的华南虎繁育保护基地,南昌动物园目前拥有40只华南虎,占全国约五分之一。 刘占昆 摄




图为2月4日,游客在南昌动物园内隔着防护玻璃参观华南虎。 刘占昆 摄


2月4日,游客在江西省博物馆里参观该馆的镇馆之宝——商代“伏鸟双尾青铜虎”。 刘占昆 摄



此虎虽样貌憨态可掬,却不失威武勇猛之风,体态蓄势待发,尽显王霸气象,是商代青铜艺术的辉煌之作。 刘占昆 摄

