中新网2月5日电 据中央气象台网站消息,受南支槽影响,5日,青藏高原东部将有小到中雪、局地大雪。受冷暖空气共同影响,预计,5日至7日,我国中东部地区自西向东将出现新一轮大范围雨雪天气。










  From 08:00 on February 6 to 08:00 on February 7, there were light to moderate snow in parts of northern Tibet, western Inner Mongolia, Hexi Gansu, eastern Northwest China, southern North China, western Huanghuai, western Jianghuai, western Jianghan, and southern Sichuan plateau. , Among them, parts of southern Shaanxi, central Anhui, western and northern Hubei, and northwestern Hunan have heavy snowfalls (10-18 mm).

Most of Southwest China, most of Jiangnan, and parts of South China experienced light to moderate rain. Among them, there were heavy rains (25-45 mm) in parts of central and southern Hunan, western Jiangxi, and northeastern Guangxi.

There will be northerly to northeasterly winds of magnitude 6 to 7 and gusts of magnitude 8 in the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea.

National precipitation forecast map (08:00 on February 6th - 08:00 on the 7th)

  From 08:00 on February 7 to 08:00 on February 8, parts of the southern Xinjiang Basin, southern Qinghai, Hetao area of ​​Inner Mongolia, eastern Northwest China, central Shanxi, western Huanghuai, most of Jianghuai, Jianghan, northern Jiangnan, and eastern Chongqing, etc. There are light to moderate snow, among which, there are heavy snow (10-16 mm) in parts of central and southern Anhui, southern Jiangsu, northern Jiangxi, and northwestern Zhejiang.

There are light to moderate rains in parts of eastern Southwest China, most of Jiangnan, southern China, Taiwan Island and other places. Among them, there are heavy rains in parts of southern Hunan, central and northern Jiangxi, central and southern Zhejiang, southern Fujian, and northern Guangdong (25-30 mm).

There are 4-6 winds in parts of the southern Xinjiang Basin and northern Tibet.

There will be northerly to northeasterly winds of magnitude 6 to 7 and gusts of magnitude 8 in the East China Sea, Taiwan Strait, and South China Sea.

National precipitation forecast map (08:00 on February 7 - 08:00 on February 8)