

  我见青山多妩媚,料青山见我应如是。舞蹈诗剧《只此青绿》融合XR、全息扫描等前沿科技,以舞者动静相衬的姿态,将传世名画《千里江山图》徐徐展开在观众面前。海外网友Yuhao Gao感慨道:“这也太美了!中华五千年文化经久不衰!”Xing Tan评论道:“确实很有中国的韵律,配乐也不错,视觉上很清新。”网友YI WEI留言道:“传统舞蹈太美了,海外华人看得心潮澎湃。”

  危楼高百尺,手可摘星辰。景观太极《行云流水》拨动城市的天际线,一拳一脚刚柔并济、虎虎生风,翩若惊鸿,婉若游龙,传递出“天人合一”的价值追求。香港网友Yu Yu Shen赞道:“拍摄得非常震撼!”海外网友窦干铭评论道:“今年的春晚比往年都要精彩,整体感觉都变得更加国际化、更加精致,很好地展示了中国的国力以及我们中国博大精深的传统文化,真正做到文化自信,我太爱了。”

  沉睡三千年,一醒惊天下。创意舞蹈《金面》以在春晚现场亮相的国之重器——三星堆青铜大面具为引子,展现了一段穿越时空、如梦似幻的爱恋,为沉淀了厚重历史的国宝赋予了崭新的生机与活力。海外网友ASAN BISS惊叹:“一眼三千年,超酷!”网友不入赞道:“这样的裸视3D科技,不知是怎么办到的!”

  Jiangnan is good, and the scenery is old.

The masterpiece "Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains", which witnesses the same roots on both sides of the strait and reflects the joys and sorrows of compatriots, presents a lifelike "people swimming in the painting" under the joint interpretation of actors from both sides of the strait, conveying the unique cultural temperament of the Chinese.

Overseas netizen Li Fei commented: "This year's program has more new ideas than before, adding more traditional cultural elements, praise!" Taiwanese netizen Xiao Yao left a message: "Excellent!"

  With texts to convey the truth, to use texts to convey the voice, and to use cultural people, the "2022 Spring Festival Gala" of the Central Radio and Television Station will explain to the world more excellent culture with Chinese characteristics, reflect the Chinese spirit, and contain Chinese wisdom, and strive to create a sustainable and sustainable culture. Letter, cute and respectable Chinese image.

Overseas netizen Caimao Luo commented: "Comprehensive programs, the Spring Festival Gala ranks first in the world. It is more than 4 hours long, fast-paced, without advertisements, and includes many types of art forms. Such a high-level set and fast-paced transformation, may I ask the world Which country can do it?" Overseas netizen Ak Yeap left a message: "As an overseas Chinese, I watch the Spring Festival Gala every year and feel the wonderful performance of Chinese culture; I have also witnessed the great rejuvenation of China. Long live China!" Singaporean netizen Eric Lee The message said: "Where there are Chinese people, there is a New Year's flavor. I wish the Chinese sons and daughters around the world good luck in the Year of the Tiger and great luck in the Year of the Tiger!" Overseas netizen Toshiaki Natori left a message: "Dear Chinese friends, I wish everyone a happy Spring Festival, Everything goes well, everything comes true, the family is in harmony, a happy year, a happy life, a peaceful life, a hundred times of spirit every day, every month is full of joy, and every year is full of wealth!" (Text / Ma Qianli)