The railway procuratorial organ fulfills the duty of public interest litigation, gathers the forces of all parties, and makes the century-old cultural relic Nanjing Pukou Railway Station "live"

From old times to new times

  Our reporter Wang Wei Our correspondent Lu Zhijian Zhang Ya

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  In order to restore the glory of Nanjing Pukou Railway Station, a 100-year-old cultural relic, the Nanjing Railway Transportation Procuratorate (hereinafter referred to as the Nanjing Railway Inspection Institute) played the role of public interest litigation, and cooperated with the administrative departments of cultural relics and the railway departments in Jiangsu and Shanghai to carry out a three-year investigation. In early December 2021, the renovation project of the Rotary School, the former school for children of railway workers, was completed. This is just the beginning. This old railway station and the railway cultural relics scattered around will usher in a new life.

  In the winter of 1918, the writer Zhu Ziqing said goodbye to his father here, leaving behind the famous "Back"; in the spring of 1919, the great Mao Zedong sent Hunan students studying in France to Shanghai here; in May 1929, Mr. Sun Yat-sen's coffin stayed here; In April 1949, Deng Xiaoping and Chen Yi crossed the river in the starry night and entered the "Presidential Palace"...

  Nanjing Pukou Railway Station, located on the north bank of the Yangtze River in Nanjing, was built in 1908, completed in 1911, and officially opened for operation in 1914. It was the end of the Jinpu Railway.

In 2004, the passenger transportation of the station was officially suspended. In 2006, it was listed as a provincial cultural relics protection unit, and in May 2013, it was established as a national key cultural relics protection unit.

As of mid-January 2022, the rescue repair work of Pukou Railway Station and its ancillary buildings has been completed, and the repair work of workers' dormitories and old houses around the railway station is being carried out in an orderly manner.

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  The former site of Pukou Railway Station is an old-fashioned English-style building with a three-story brick and wood structure and a beige exterior wall.

However, the erosion of time has left the old site of Pukou Railway Station and surrounding buildings scarred and dilapidated.

  In March 2018, the public interest litigation prosecutor of the Nanjing Railway Inspection Institute walked into the Pukou Railway Station, which had been out of service for 14 years.

The promenade of the platform is broken and mottled, the rain corridor connecting the ferry terminal is barren and grassy, ​​and the waiting hall is full of debris... Zhang Min, deputy procurator of Nanjing Railway Inspection Institute, told reporters: "Although I have heard about it before, the scene in front of me still makes me uneasy. We were shocked."

  According to investigation, the property rights of the old site of Pukou Railway Station belong to China Railway Shanghai Bureau Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Shanghai Bureau Group Company), and the management and use unit is Nanjing East Railway Station, but the administrative responsibility for cultural relics protection belongs to the local cultural protection department.

In response to the damage to the original appearance, random construction, and random accumulation of garbage in the protection of the old site of Pukou Railway Station, the Nanjing Railway Inspection Institute issued a procuratorial suggestion to the Nanjing Municipal Bureau of Cultural Relics, urging it to perform its supervisory duties in accordance with the law.

  How to gather all parties and form a protective force has become a difficult problem for prosecutors.

  "After many back-to-back communications, we found that despite the different regions and industries, everyone has the same goal of protecting cultural relics. What is missing is the opportunity to initiate dialogue." Zhang Min told reporters.

  Nanjing Railway Inspection Institute reported the problem to Jiangsu Provincial Procuratorate and Shanghai Railway Inspection Branch, and both received strong support.

After the joint efforts of the procuratorial organs of the two places, in July 2019, the local administrative department and the railway property rights department held a roundtable meeting and reached an agreement that the protection of Pukou Railway Station should be included in the overall construction of the scenic belt of the Republic of Pukou, and the overall appearance of the area will be promoted. Protect.

  In May 2021, the urban renewal project of Pukou Railway Station Historic Scenic Area was officially launched.

The Jiangbei New District Cultural Protection Department organized the project team to join hands with architectural experts from Tsinghua University and Southeast University, and cooperated with domestic teams specializing in the restoration of ancient buildings, using the "embroidery" technique of "micro-renovation" to repair the cultural preservation buildings.

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  From the completion of Pukou Railway Station to the opening of the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge in 1968, British-style buildings such as railway depot buildings, workers' clubs, and locomotive repair workshops have been built around Pukou Railway Station for half a century.

Professor Zhou Qi from the School of Architecture of Southeast University said: "The most complete original style of the Jinpu Railway has not been changed here, and other places along the line are basically completely unrecognizable."

  Around the old site of Pukou Railway Station, Nanjing Railway Inspection Institute has combed and checked the railway cultural relics scattered around, and found more than ten "Pearls" scattered along the river, such as No. Buildings with multiple values ​​such as culture and history have problems such as "osteoporosis", broken walls, water leakage and electricity leakage due to their long history and long-term vacancy.

  In October 2020, the court issued procuratorial recommendations to the Jiangbei New District cultural relics protection department and railway functional departments, urging them to perform their duties according to law.

  The most damaged English-style building in the Pukou Locomotive Depot (commonly known as the "Dragon Head Room") is the workshop of the steam locomotive. It was built in 1918 and has experienced a century of vicissitudes.





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