











  Li Shizhen was born in a family of doctors and loved medicine since childhood.

At the age of 23, he studied medicine with his father, and his medical reputation has grown.

In the course of practicing medicine for decades and reading classical medical books, Li Shizhen discovered that there were many mistakes in the ancient book of Materia Medica, and decided to recompile a book of Materia Medica.

From the 31st year of Jiajing (1552) to the sixth year of Wanli (1578), Li Shizhen lasted 27 years. He edited his draft three times, and finally completed the "Compendium of Materia Medica" in 52 volumes with nearly 1.9 million words, which was compiled using "Musui Gangju" style, so it is named "Outline".

Volumes 5-52 are monographs, 1892 kinds of medicines are collected, and 1109 kinds of pictures are attached.

  Historically, 1518 saw few major events, among which the world's first recorded fire truck was built in Augsburg, Germany.

The car was built by metal craftsman Anthony Bratner.

Little is known about the details of the fire truck.

According to the book "Augsburg City Craft History", this fire truck was equipped with a large lever-operated water pump and pulled by horses.

Tang Bohu: born in 1470 AD

Memorabilia of the same year: Birth of friend Wen Zhengming

  Tang Yin (March 6, 1470 - January 7, 1524), courtesy name Bohu, small character Ziwei, no. County, Ming Dynasty famous painter, calligrapher, poet.

Tang Yin's name Yin is related to Yin Nian. It is said that he was born in Yin Year Yin Month Yin Day Yin Time, but the truth is that he was only born in Yin Nian, hence the name Tang Yin.

  In the history of painting, Tang Bohu and Shen Zhou, Wen Zhengming, Qiu Ying and others are collectively known as the "Four Masters of the Ming Dynasty".

Tang Bohu's life was bumpy, but it did not affect his literary achievements at all, not only in poetry and painting, but also in rhythm.

Its rhythm is mostly in the form of folk songs.

There are many film and television dramas that describe Tang Bohu, the most famous is Zhou Xingchi's "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance".

However, Tang Yin never had any Qiuxiang in his life, and even because of his reputation as "the most romantic genius in the south of the Yangtze River", his third wife "Juniang" was actually considered his ninth wife.

Shen Jiuniang understands Tang Yin's talent and fully supports his life.

When there was a flood in Suzhou, Tang Yin's paintings were unsalable, and the family was so deprived that they couldn't even find firewood and rice.


  1523 年,唐寅走完丰富、起伏的一生,而54岁的文徵明还在小步前行,仍没中第。嘉靖三十八年(1559年)二月二十日,已90岁高龄的文徵明为御史严杰的母亲写墓志。写到一半的时候,他搁下笔,端然坐正,走完一生。此时,与他同年出生的好友唐伯虎,已经离开人世36年了。

  封面新闻记者 周琴