
Tips for healthy school lunch boxes to bring fun to your children

Tip 1

Choosing the right lunch box, the first step is to make sure that you get the right lunch box, and to ensure that these boxes contain separate places to separate dry foods from wet foods, to maintain their health condition, and you should also have a container for hot foods to keep them warm until the time of eating them Lunch time.

Tip 2

The versatility of the lunch box catches the eye of children when opened, and the color also provides an essential set of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that your children need for optimal health, the best way to achieve this is for your children to eat their lunch from a rainbow colored box!

We invite parents to ensure that the lunch box contains soft and crunchy foods to satisfy a wide range of tastes for their children.

Tip 3

A balanced amount of carbohydrates, proteins and healthy fats, and the goal behind this is to provide a lunch box that contains a balanced material of carbohydrates needed to build energy, protein to build muscle and growth, in addition to healthy fats that are an important component of brain development.

Parents are encouraged to have carbohydrate foods for sustainable energy, such as high-fiber greens (carrots and cucumbers), crackers, rice cakes and pancakes, as well as a nice touch of fruit and fruit rolls.

Protein and fat together are often a good thing!

Like mini pancakes, cheesecake, and even lunch leftovers, for example: some carrots and apples with hummus in a dipping bowl, cheddar cheese, a few slices of Cole Peaks and a blueberry pie.

Tip 4

Opening an empty refrigerator to prepare a healthy lunch is useless, and raises your stress levels!

So planning a week for lunch box foods, and stocking the shelves with healthy snacks, will ensure your kids get a healthy meal.

One easy way to plan weekly is by subscribing to the “Coal Peaks” box that is delivered to you, which contains a wide range of healthy products from salty and sweet foods, fruits and vegetables, in addition to some healthy snacks for your children to eat after school from “chocolate” biscuits Oats and beetroot cakes!

tip 5

Ask for help from the children!

It is a great and effective idea to have your children help you with their food, which increases their acceptance of meals, this also applies to lunch boxes, we invite you to have your children participate in their lunch box choices!

Younger children can help choose fruits and vegetables or put their snacks in the lunch box, and older children can help prepare some snacks such as cutting cucumbers or carrots, giving mothers the opportunity to talk with their children about healthy foods that they eat. They like to eat it.

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