In recent years, "youth development-oriented city", "youth-friendly city" and "youth vitality city" are becoming new hot words for urban development.

  According to incomplete statistics from the China Youth Research Center, 87 prefecture-level cities have clearly put forward such concepts.

Among them, Shandong Province, Jiangxi Province, Zhejiang Province, Guizhou Province, etc. also proposed to build youth friendly provinces.

  "The youth development-oriented city is slowly changing from a concept to a practice," said Guo Yuankai, head of the Youth Development Institute of the China Youth Research Center.

  What kind of city can be regarded as a youth development city?

How to build a youth development-oriented city?

In the "Face to Face" program launched by China Youth Daily, Guo Yuankai of the China Youth Research Center, Zhao Siwei, director of the Youth Development and Rights Protection Department of the Haidian District Committee of the Beijing Youth League, Chang Kai, the representative of Beijing Takeaway Brother, and the Street Dance Committee of the Chinese Dancers Association Deputy Secretary-General Dong Jianyong exchanged views on this topic.

  Guo Yuankai believes that the concept of building a youth development-oriented city proposed by various places reflects that the concept of giving priority to the development of youth is gradually being implemented, and youth development is also becoming a focus of attention of the party and government departments.

"Building a youth development-oriented city is conducive to promoting the implementation of the "Mid- and Long-Term Youth Development Plan (2016-2025)" in the city. Building a youth development-oriented city also reflects the improvement of local governance capabilities in the field of youth development and the modernization of governance systems. "He said.

  What kind of cities are youth friendly?

  "Youth development-oriented cities must first meet the basic interests of young people." Guo Yuankai said.

  According to the online survey data of "One Minute Chat about 'Youth Ideal Cities'" conducted by China Youth Research Center, the top five focus of youth ideal cities are beautiful urban environment, strong cultural atmosphere, sufficient and convenient employment opportunities, and educational resources. Balanced and adequate, housing prices and rents affordable.

  "From the definition of youth in the "Medium and Long-term Youth Development Plan (2016-2025)", the age of 14-35 covers a wide range, and the difficulties faced by each group at each stage are not the same. The main problem is that it can be considered a youth development-oriented city," he added.

  In November 2021, the China Youth Research Center conducted a survey on youth development-oriented cities. The results of the survey showed that most young people identify themselves as city builders and owners of urban development achievements.

"78% of youth think they are city builders."

  In Guo Yuankai's view, cities should provide a platform to help young people participate in social governance and urban construction, and improve their contribution to urban development.





















  Chang Kai added that in order to help young people, many couriers and takeaway riders have also been included as members of the Youth Federation in recent years.

"Our expectations for the city are simple, to deliver every order in a down-to-earth manner, and to have a found and reliable organization when needed," he said.

  In Guo Yuankai's view, building a youth development-oriented city is to make young people feel the warmth of home.

"If the youth can feel that the city is the home he wants to settle in, this is already the highest evaluation of a friendly city."

  China Youth Daily and China Youth Daily reporter Yang Baoguang and Du Yimeng