
  【同期】漳州木版年画省级传承人 颜朝俊



  【同期】漳州木版年画省级传承人 颜朝俊



  【同期】漳州木版年画省级传承人 颜朝俊

  Zhangzhou woodblock New Year pictures are more inherited from the ancient method, which is to print the color version first, and then the ink line version. This technique has been printed since the end of the Ming Dynasty, so I am also constantly learning, and I want to make a breakthrough in innovation, because the ancients Many of the patterns are already very beautiful, and it takes a hundred times more effort to surpass him.

We still have to learn slowly, and then create some good new works based on the aesthetic needs of our current society.

  [Explanation] During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, with the rise of Yuegang, a foreign trade port in Zhangzhou, Zhangzhou woodblock New Year pictures were once exported to Southeast Asia and other places with the help of prosperous maritime trade.

Yan Chaojun also hopes to go out with New Year pictures in the future, so that more people can see the charm of Zhangzhou woodblock New Year pictures.

  【同期】漳州木版年画省级传承人 颜朝俊

  In fact, our New Year pictures were sold to Malaysia and Singapore in the Qing Dynasty or earlier, so I think a lot of this culture still needs to go out slowly. I also hope that there will be opportunities to go to some Chinese gathering places in the future to spread it. Some of our Chinese excellent cultural traditions.

  Reporter Wu Shengwei reports from Zhangzhou, Fujian

Responsible editor: [Sun Jingbo]