中新网1月27日电 据中央气象台网站消息,昨日8时至今日6时,甘肃东部、陕西中部、河南中南部、湖北西部、安徽北部等地部分地区出现中到大雪或雨夹雪、雨转雪,河南驻马店和南阳局地暴雪(10~12毫米),甘肃东部、陕西中部、河南中部等地部分地区新增积雪深度2~7厘米;另外,湖南北部、江西北部、安徽南部、江苏南部、浙江北部等地出现中到大雨。





National precipitation forecast map (8:00 on January 27th - 8:00 on January 28th)

  From 8:00 on January 28 to 8:00 on January 29, northeastern Heilongjiang, western mountainous areas of southern Xinjiang, eastern Tibet, western Sichuan plateau, central and southern Shaanxi, southern Shanxi, western Huanghuai, most of Jianghuai, Jianghan, northwestern Yunnan and other places Some areas have light to moderate snow or sleet, among which there are heavy snowstorms and local heavy snowstorms in central and southern Anhui, eastern and southern Hubei, and northwestern Hunan.

There were light to moderate rains in most parts of Jiangnan, southern China, the Sichuan Basin, most of Yunnan, and Taiwan Island. Among them, there were heavy rains in parts of northern Jiangxi and northwestern Guangxi.

National precipitation forecast map (8:00 on January 28 - 8:00 on 29th)

  From 8:00 on January 29 to 8:00 on January 30, there were light to moderate snow or sleet in parts of the mountainous areas of southern Xinjiang, northern Tibet, central and southern Jiangsu and Anhui, northern and western Jiangnan, and eastern Southwest China. Among them, There were heavy snowfalls in parts of southern Anhui, northwestern Jiangxi, and northern Hunan.

There are light to moderate rains in parts of the central, eastern and southern Jiangnan, eastern Yunnan, southern China, and Taiwan Island.

National precipitation forecast map (8:00 on January 29 - 8:00 on January 30)