由正午阳光出品,改编自晋江文学城祈祷君同名小说的时间循环网剧《开端》正在腾讯视频热播。自开播以来《开端》播放量一路高升,已近12亿,今晚即将迎来会员收官。该剧由祈祷君、邱玉洁、算、黄凯文编剧,孙墨龙、刘洪源、算执导,侯鸿亮担任总制片人,赵子煜任制片人,白敬亭、赵今麦领衔主演,刘奕君特别出演,刘涛友情出演,黄觉、刘丹联合主演。今日,该剧发布了一支由王啸坤演唱的主题曲及MV—《Wake up》,激昂的旋律搭配剧中的精彩片段,重现了肖鹤云(白敬亭 饰)、李诗情(赵今麦 饰)营救众人的过程,他们一次次从循环中醒来,为了救出车上的乘客拼尽全力,就如同歌词中所唱的“越过恐惧边界,荆棘中手握玫瑰,就和你一起逆转这时间。”这些画面不禁令人回忆起他们在循环中的坚定无畏,同时也令人对今晚的大结局期待不已。而MV中有关警官张成(刘奕君 饰)调查案件、追赶公交车的画面更令网友们泪奔,上周剧情中,他的牺牲感动了无数观众,网络上期待张警官复活的呼声高涨。今晚,男女主能否再次进入循环?张警官能否回归?最终两集的发展牵动着全网观众的心。

  张警官牺牲全网破防 观众集体许愿拯救老张

  在上周更新的剧情中,故事的发展得到快速推进。在经历过20多次循环后,肖鹤云、李诗情的公交车救援计划愈发成熟,尤其在与警察通力配合下,他们离成功越来越近。同时,王兴德(黄觉 饰)、陶映红(刘丹 饰)夫妇的犯罪动机也一步步被揭开,她们对丧女的悲痛、对案件结果的不甘,陶映红精神的失常,以及采用炸公交车的极端方式,引发了无数网友的思考和讨论:不少网友同情他们的遭遇“看到陶映红一次次在公交车上查找见证者,真让人心疼”,但大家一致认为丧子之痛值得被同情,但过激的行为绝不可取,每一个生命都值得被尊重和珍视,“即使再伤心也不能伤害无辜的人!”观剧过程中,观众的代入感越来越强,对故事中每个人的经历及后续发展也愈发期待。而王萌萌(陈镜依 饰)下车的真相也成为从男女主到警方、乃至全体观众聚焦的新疑点。

  At the same time, the sacrifice of Officer Zhang has become a pain in the heart of everyone.

For a long time, Officer Zhang has presented the audience with a wise, mature and cordial image of a police officer, and is the firm backing of Xiao Heyun and Li Shiqing.

In the recent plot, in order to rescue the whole car, he took the bomb without hesitation, pushed the crowd away, and ran to the bridge.

The picture of Officer Zhang throwing a bomb made countless netizens cry "the moment they saw him being bombed" The whole network strongly called for Officer Zhang to be resurrected, and they left messages, "I beg Xiao Heyun and Li Shiqing to start a new game and bring back Lao Zhang. "I hope that the old Zhang in the beginning will come back to life, and that the police in reality will always be safe, without sacrifice." The activity of #Start ChaohuaWish to save Lao Zhang# was also launched simultaneously, and the whole network was boiling.

In the finale, whether Officer Zhang can be resurrected has become one of the suspense that most affects the minds of netizens.

  In the end, the suspense climaxed again, and netizens collectively guessed the ending

  Since its launch, "The Beginning" has thrown up countless suspense points in the progress of the story: such as the way of explosion, the location of the bomb, who the suspect is, the suspect's motive for blowing up the car, etc., taking the audience layer by layer like bamboo shoots. Look.

As the end draws to a close, the play has left a lot of suspense that affects people's hearts: how can the cycle end?

Whether Xiao Heyun and Li Shiqing can escape the cycle, etc.

After the plot ended last week, the audience started crazy guesses about the ending with a lot of suspense: some said that the ending is likely to be "going through cycles again and again, Xiao Heyun's body is getting weaker and weaker, and he has to withdraw from the rescue after exhausting his energy in the last cycle." Some people think that "the whole cycle is likely to be a game constructed by Xiao Heyun"; some even speculate that "it may be Li Shiqing's dream on the bus"... The audience opened their minds and set countless endings for the story.

This series of responses fully demonstrated the fascinating plot of the plot, and the strong sense of audience participation and immersion.

  Tonight, "The Beginning" is about to end, can Xiao Heyun and Li Shiqing enter the cycle again?

If they enter the cycle again, can they return safely?

Will Officer Zhang be resurrected?

Does Wang Mengmeng get out of the car, is there any hidden truth?

With many questions, please continue to lock Tencent Video tonight to watch the finale.