Tens of thousands of people participated yesterday in Madrid in

one of the most popular agrarian collective demonstrations in recent times


They demand urgent measures in the face of the "unsustainable situation" in which the field finds itself, greatly aggravated by issues such as the

rise in fuel prices

, which has such an impact on the activities of the sector.

And it is bad news for the same that, as we publish today, the experts that the Minister of Finance has commissioned to study

say how to continue raising taxes have their eyes set on taxing fuels even more and on reforms in environmental taxation.

The claims accumulate to farmers and ranchers

, who set an example of responsibility when they parked the protests at the beginning of the pandemic and turned to carry out their work, which was vital to ensure continued supply in circumstances as difficult as those of the state of alarm.

Therefore, the first thing that draws attention is the

great lack of sensitivity of the Government


In this sense, it is embarrassing that the Ministry for the Ecological Transition charged yesterday against the massive protest saying that "populist slogans are not needed" to solve the problems in the rural world.

It is well understood that the spirits are so high in a sector like the countryside, as damaged by the lack of attention from Moncloa as by many of its policies, including the

attacks such as those repeatedly launched by the Minister of Consumer Affairs, Alberto Garzón

, who remains in office despite the fact that Sánchez himself publicly disavowed him for the irresponsibility of spreading a stain on Spanish meat exports abroad.

“We are not going to allow some

lettuce eater

impose your criteria on the people who work and sweat, ”the protesters warned yesterday, summoned by more than 300 associations and groups from all over Spain, which shows the transversality of those affected.

Although the Government wants to dismiss it as a mere slogan, the reality is that

sanchismo has spent more than two years ignoring the complaints from the countryside, which is suffocated


Drowned by the pressing problem of raw material costs - fertilizers have risen 300%;

electrical energy, 270%;

diesel, 73%;

feed, 23%-, financial and fiscal support measures are needed to cushion the continuous rises for a key sector of our economy that represents

about 8.4% of GDP


The problem of the market value of products must be faced equally seriously, with a process - from production to distribution and sale - in which farmers and ranchers come out very badly.

However, what they are finding is with legislative measures such as the projected labor reform, very detrimental to agriculture.

The rural world and the problems of the emptied Spain will be very present in the imminent elections of Castilla y León


We will see if some parties so turned their backs on the reality of the field take advantage of the campaign, they do, to repeat hollow slogans about it while they do not make an effort to find solutions.

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