Per Sinding Larsen saw Meat Loaf on stage when he toured with the successful album Bat out of Hell in 1983. One of rock history's best-selling records.

- It was Meat Loaf in its essence, a dramatic and theatrical performance.

This drama is repeated in everything he does.

It is never grayscale but always pomp and circumstance when he enters.

Whether it's about his own songs or when he's on film, for example in the Rocky horror picture show where he steals almost the entire film, says Per Sinding-Larsen.

He also emphasizes the rock singer's special pipe:

– Meat Loaf var begåvad med en röst i klass med en operasångare. Därför blev hans låtar något som sprängde taket, de var så kraftfulla. Det var inte bara kompositionerna som var pampiga.