中新网客户端北京1月21日电(记者 上官云) 从人物设定到故事情节,作家辛夷坞的新书《针尖蜜》最近引发了不少讨论。截至目前,豆瓣评分为6.8分。





  伴随着陈樨的回忆,上述出场者关系图谱慢慢展开,同时解锁新人物,交代陈樨、卫嘉、孙见川等人的身世、相识以及过往经历,为后文的“HE结局”(即Happy End,幸福的结局)做好铺垫。







  Chen Xi has also changed a lot at different ages: Girls' Generation was quite comfortable, and after entering the entertainment industry, there was a lot of negative news, and finally he really grew up, knew how to cherish, and dared to give love.

  Both of them seem to be a bit "weird" in their personalities.

Xin Yiwu once explained that the purpose of writing this story is to express that two imperfect people can have a good love, and it is this love that makes them better people.

  Indeed, up to now, most of the changes in romance novels are just the way of narration and the outer shell, and the performance of the core issue of "emotion" remains the same as before.

  However, in this era, influenced by Internet culture and other factors, romance novels with urban backgrounds, contractual relationships, sweet pets, sadomasochism, etc. are common elements, and writing is more likely to fall into homogenization routines.

  There is a view that readers of genre literature often prefer to read fixed plot settings and are easy to accept content that conforms to their previous reading and aesthetic habits.

  So, how can online romance novels be written with new ideas?

Perhaps, we still have to start with the three elements of the novel.

  Characters whose behavior conforms to their personality and are recognizable are the core of the novel. The storyline with smooth narrative and self-consistent logic is the structure of the novel, and the reasonable background is the environment in which the story exists.

  A good novel should have a clear theme and be fascinating. As a writer, you should also pay attention to breaking the "routine".

  Well, have you read this book?
