On January 11, the State Administration of Radio and Television issued a document stating that since October 2021, in accordance with the spirit of the comprehensive management of the central entertainment field, it will continue to supervise more than 10 short-term users with large scale and high frequency of application software, such as Douyin and Kuaishou. The video platform carried out a two-month special management of short video programs and accounts, and continued to clean up 383,900 illegal accounts and 1,024,000 illegal short video programs.

A large number of "pseudo-positive energy" programs, profit-making accounts of "net celebrity children", and "low-level red, high-level black" content have been cleaned up, the problem of illegal dissemination of unimported overseas audio-visual programs has been effectively curbed, and the short video business of Internet TV has been improved. Specification guide.

(Reporter Lang Jiahui)

Responsible editor: [Ji Xiang]