For the first time, a high school student in Asakuchi City, Okayama Prefecture, made a "flying car" that is expected to be put into practical use as a new means of transportation, and conducted an experiment to see if it floats in the air.

Twenty students from Okayama Sanyo High School in Asakuchi City have been producing a flying car named "KIBOU" since August last year, which will fly electrically by applying drone technology.

The aircraft is about 3 meters long and can accommodate up to one person, and the students conducted the first experiment to see if the drone floats in the air.

The experiment was conducted with iron poles set up around the flying car to ensure safety, and although the aircraft was sometimes out of balance at first, it rose to a height of 1.2 meters for about 1 minute.

A third-year high school boy who was in charge of maneuvering said, "It was difficult to operate at first, but I got used to it from the middle. Next, I want to put a weight on it and fly it, and finally I want to be able to put people safely." I was talking.

The students will continue to experiment and announce a flying car at an event in Okayama City on January 15th.