Carved beautifully for a year, bad carving may cause skin infections, scars, or even disfigurement

  Line carving rhinoplasty: a gamble about beauty

  ◎Reporter Chen Xi

  Distinguish beauty

  Thread carving may cause skin and soft tissue infections, necrosis, and other adverse reactions. The nose, especially the tip of the nose, may easily become a "severe disaster area" for adverse reactions.

No matter what method is used for repair, the damage caused by the line carving rhinoplasty is irreversible, and can even cause facial damage.

  Li Gang

  Chief Physician of the Plastic Surgery Department of the Second Hospital of Tianjin Medical University

  Recently, 30-year-old Ms. Ji from Chengdu, Sichuan Province, was almost disfigured because of her rhinoplasty.

The nose, which occupies the "C position" in the facial features, can be said to support half of the value of the face. Therefore, in recent years, with the increasing rise of "micro plastic surgery", the nose has become the first choice for micro plastic surgery, and the line-carved rhinoplasty is popular One of the nose medical beauty projects.

  The so-called thread carving rhinoplasty is to embed the protein thread that can be absorbed by the human body into the skin of the nose, and then shape the nose through the traction and lifting of the thread.

  "Thread carving may cause skin and soft tissue infections, necrosis, and other adverse reactions. The nose, especially the tip of the nose, is likely to become a'severe disaster area' for adverse reactions." Li Gang, chief physician of the Department of Plastic Surgery, Tianjin Medical University Second Hospital In an interview with a reporter from Science and Technology Daily, he said that no matter what method is used for repair, the damage caused by the line carving rhinoplasty is irreversible and can even cause facial damage.

  Use "thread" to make the nose straight and straight

  "The bridge of the nose of the Orientals is generally low and flat, which also makes the faces of most Orientals lack three-dimensional. Therefore, many beauty lovers hope to make the flat facial features three-dimensional through rhinoplasty." Li Gang said.

  So, can the line carving rhinoplasty make the nose beautiful and erect without surgery?

  "Line-carving rhinoplasty is a minimally invasive surgery. As the name suggests, it is to shape the nose through the'thread'." Li Gang introduced that the thread used in the line-carving rhinoplasty is generally an absorbable protein with a higher hardness and a thicker diameter. Thread, this kind of protein thread is mostly zigzag thread with two-way barbs. The thread is pierced into the nasal tissue through the booster handle. Under the action of traction, the nose will be tightened locally, so as to extend the nasal columella and shrink the nasal columella. The purpose of narrowing the nose and raising the bridge of the nose.

  In Li Gang's view, the linear sculpture rhinoplasty is different from injection rhinoplasty or implant rhinoplasty, and its surgical effect is limited.

He further explained that the thread sculpture improves the soft tissues. The protein thread lifts the soft tissues to achieve the effect of tightening the skin, so it is generally used to improve facial lines.

Rhinoplasty requires support, and protein thread does not have this support.

  "Moreover, even if the immediate effect is good after rhinoplasty, the maintenance time will not be too long." Li Gang said that after the protein thread is implanted in the human body, it will stimulate the body's own collagen production, which can be achieved by proliferating collagen. To the effect of rhinoplasty.

However, the protein thread can be degraded in the human body, and finally decomposed into water and carbon dioxide to be absorbed by the human body. The degradation process takes about half a year.

Therefore, on the whole, the line-carved nose can only last for a year at most.

  Many complications, limited improvement effect

  In the eyes of many plastic surgeons, the "white moonlight" in the minds of beauty lovers-line carving rhinoplasty is to plant a "bomb" in the nose that may explode at any time.

  "There are many complications of thread-carving rhinoplasty. The most common complication is that the tip of the nose is red and even penetrated by the protein thread.” Li Gang explained that the thread-carving rhinoplasty uses the stiffness and traction of the thread to prop up the skin. A simple method of using a few threads to raise the skin of the nose, often due to the small area of ​​the protein thread contacting the skin of the part, which makes the local pressure increase, and the nose tip is already tight and poorly extensible. Once it can't bear it, the thread will pass out, causing the thread at the tip of the nose to be exposed.

  Since most of this condition has no obvious feeling in the early stage, patients often do not pay attention to it. Therefore, the ulceration may not heal for a long time in the later stage, the skin necrosis is serious, and the best treatment opportunity is missed.

  At the same time, thread carving rhinoplasty will also cause venous blood flow obstacles, which will also allow the protein thread to push out of the nose.

Li Gang introduced that when doctors embedding the nose, in order to make the bridge of the nose higher, they often need to bury many layers of threads. If the embedding layer is too shallow and the amount of embedding is too large, it is easy to cause local skin edema and blood supply. Slow down.

If the patient's skin is thick, poor in elasticity, and poor in stretchability, it is more likely to have swelling and ischemia of the skin of the nasal thread embedding, and the thread head will be pushed out.

  Line carving rhinoplasty is also very easy to cause infection.

Since thread carving rhinoplasty requires multiple embeddings, that is, multiple operations, the skin tissue may not be completely repaired during the second operation, and the foreign body may be inserted again, which can easily cause chronic infection.

"In addition, some people have nasal folliculitis, some people are very easy to get oil on the nose, and the people who perform the operation may have a poor concept of sterility, which leads to a very high probability of chronic bacterial infection in this type of operation." Steel said.

  He said that currently, most of the companies in the market that are trying to promote linear rhinoplasty are private plastic surgery studios and informal beauty salons. Compared with traditional prosthetic rhinoplasty surgery, linear rhinoplasty is less difficult to operate and has a large profit margin.

The operating environment, aseptic conditions, operator's technique, disinfection and anesthesia operations in these places are all in an uncontrollable state, so the risk of surgery is very high.

  "Because of the possible complications, short retention time of the nose shape, and unsatisfactory improvement effect of plastic surgery, linear rhinoplasty is often not recognized by mainstream plastic surgery institutions." Li Gang said.

  These rhinoplasty methods are mainstream now

  "Currently, the more mainstream rhinoplasty methods include silicone rhinoplasty, bulking rhinoplasty, hyaluronic acid rhinoplasty and autogenous cartilage rhinoplasty." Li Gang introduced that these four rhinoplasty methods have their own advantages and disadvantages, and patients should be based on their own conditions. Choose the rhinoplasty method that suits you.

  Compared to implanting foreign bodies in the body, more people are willing to choose autologous soft tissue rhinoplasty.

The autologous soft tissue is taken from the cartilage behind the ear, nasal septum, or ribs, and then implanted as needed.

"This method is safer. Because of the good autologous tissue compatibility, rejection reactions will not occur, and it is easy to fix, and does not require a large number of blood vessels for nutrition." Li Gang said, and autologous cartilage has hardness and Flexible, easy to sculpt and trim the model, so the effect of rhinoplasty is also very good.

The operation is suitable for all kinds of people, and there is no restriction on age and gender.

However, if an autologous soft tissue rhinoplasty is used, the incision scar will be left at the cartilage removal site, and this kind of surgery requires relatively high technical requirements for the surgeon.

  If you choose implant materials other than your own for rhinoplasty, silicone is the most common choice.

Medical silica gel has the advantages of high and low temperature resistance, chemical stability, corrosion resistance, and good tissue compatibility. It is also non-toxic, non-carcinogenic, non-teratogenic, and will not grow with human tissues.

"After the silicone prosthesis is inserted into the nose, it will form a capsule and will not irritate the body." Li Gang introduced that the current minimally invasive incision surgery is used to complete the silicone implantation, which greatly improves the traditional rhinoplasty with large incisions and slow recovery. Moreover, the incision is concealed without leaving scars. The most important thing is that the price is relatively close to the people.

The disadvantage of this operation is that the silicone is easy to slide and shift, and it may penetrate the nose in severe cases.

  Rhinoplasty with bulky materials solves some of the problems of silicone prostheses, with better fixation and a more natural appearance.

The bulking material is mainly polytetrafluoroethylene material, which can be used as a prosthesis to be inserted into the nose and can be maintained for a longer time.

This material has better compatibility, reduces the risk of autologous rejection, and is an ideal substitute for biological tissues.


This material is expensive and more difficult to remove than silica gel.

  "If you have to choose minimally invasive rhinoplasty, the most recommended way now is to inject hyaluronic acid, the material for rhinoplasty." Li Gang introduced that hyaluronic acid, also known as hyaluronic acid, is a substance naturally present in human tissues.

Filling the nose with hyaluronic acid by injection can achieve rhinoplasty effect.

This method has small wounds, no scars, no scars, and the rhinoplasty material has high compatibility with the nose, almost no adverse reactions and sequelae, and the effect is natural, and it is not easy to appear displacement.

  "However, this method is not suitable for everyone. It is only suitable for people with better nose conditions. The effect is not good for more complex nose repairs." Li Gang pointed out that generally hyaluronic acid rhinoplasty can last for 6 to 12 months. , Need repeated injections later.