The eighth bulletin - your publication (1/4/2022) monitored the interaction on the Egyptian communication platforms, after the hashtag ("Haq Bassant Khaled Necessary Returns") was issued, the most frequently discussed list in Egypt, as the tweeters demanded the most severe penalties for those accused of fabricating the girl's photos, which prompted her To end her life, they also demanded the establishment of strict laws and penalties so that there are no new victims of electronic blackmail, as they put it.

Tweeters circulated a sentence from a letter the girl wrote to her family members before her suicide, in which she said, "Mama, I hope you understand me .. I am not this girl."

Mahmoud Refaat demanded that the young man be executed because of what he considered “intentional killing,” and he said, “Basant Khaled is a 17-year-old woman in one of the villages of Egypt. Leaving touching words to her mother who did not support her, the penalty for premeditated murder must be imposed."

While MP Basil Adel believes that fabricating pictures is no less dangerous than forging documents and seals, he tweeted, "The crimes of installing pictures and linking them to heinous acts and uploading them on the Internet are major crimes, just like forging official seals or important documents. There is no crime comparable to forging a person himself. Communication are lethal weapons, especially in our Eastern societies."

In turn, lawyer Hawraa Moussa stressed the need to speed up the public trial of the accused, so she wrote, "In such cases, a quick move by the competent authorities is required to arrest the blackmailer and try him in a quick public trial, and punish him with the most severe punishment witnessed by everyone so that he will be an example to others. Do not be wronged...there are those in their hearts A disease and their souls are despicable, they deliberately harm to this extent and more.”

As for the journalist Hamad Qalam, he demanded awareness campaigns to stop extortion and harassment. He wrote, "How many cents are there in society? Why is there an awareness campaign from competent authorities that teaches them how (how) they deal with extortion and harassment? We hear problems, but unfortunately we haven't seen solutions."